Here's a commentary: My feud with CL21 begins

May 07, 2018
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A video that is sure to get me a bunch of hate, but CL21 needed to get called out. This video was actually tricky to edit because his video was unwatchable... just like that NSFW video that was uploaded to TeeHeeHub.

Editor's Note: Alisson said the people who ticked him off were disrespectful.

Original video:

All copyrighted stuff belongs to their owners not me.

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Cor955 (6 years ago)
Lol Bitchass AT blocked me but hey as I was saying that just means you're willingly violating DMCA and open yourself to lawsuits and legal action. Have fun with that. And great debate skills, when presented with a valid point your response is to say no fuck you and block. You're gonna go far kid.
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Cor955 (6 years ago)
@Sudeurion Yeah. Though it's just quite immature. I was having a civil discussion until he said to fuck off with that fair use and then blocked. It's like ok mate have fun with that, I'm sure you'll go far if you can't even maintain a civil conversation.
mattwo (6 years ago)
@Sudeurion I suggest you look up how safe harbor works. Why do you think YouTube implemented Content ID?
jjay (6 years ago)
this vid is shit
RSoDtheVirus (6 years ago)
DaxIsAwesome (6 years ago)
OOF this video's too 1 star rated . Well welcome to my reality .
Can't agree mutch cant dissagree , im usually neutral on these very big complex stories because there's always a % that we all miss so yeah , oof.
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NorthamptonPost (6 years ago)
@DaxIsAwesome Well, no, I'm not. You're the one going into servers that we're in and then proceeding to act like a moron.
mattwo (6 years ago)
@DaxIsAwesome Little thing called "blocking" you know.
thatskynyrdkid70 (6 years ago)
You have got to be the most unapologetic liar on the entire freaking site and every word you say turns everything more and more against you. You're calling out CL21 yet at the same time you're completely oblivious to anything that's going on, and all the lies you've put out about Mal and TeeHeeHub, and just everything else to topic. To vaguely quote you from the Discord conversation the other night because TCT hasn't uploaded the video yet, "TeeHeeHub deserved to be banned anyways because that NSFW video was so bad and hard to watch" when every freaking bit of that video was censored, and saying the gore thing with Ali was showing what he was sent, NO THE FREAKING IT WASN'T, he was abusing a VidLii feature that HE IMPLEMENTED HIMSELF replacing OTHER PEOPLE'S VIDEOS with the gore. Every thing you say just shows more and more how pathetically clueless you are about everything on the site and more. Do us a favor and leave the site already, and don't even think of deleting this comment.
AmyGirl (6 years ago)
@thatskynyrdkid70 Very agreeable comment and you are very correct.
gsehfnfgcfngm (6 years ago)
spiderfan is a cunt lolololol xdddddddddd
BigMushroomFan (6 years ago)
“it was being cleaned up” um no it wasn’t, it was being destroyed

spiderfan, why are you acting like this? you’re here defending him after he banned so many users for such stupid reasons. Not only that but you also backstabbed CL21 and Travis. Im sorry but I’m going to unsubscribe from your channel until you “clean up” your act.
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BigMushroomFan (6 years ago)
@spiderfan o noes he crossed the line. :(((((((( GET HIM OFF VIDLII NOW!!!!!!! They just broke 1 rule, just give them a strike ffs
AverageAF (6 years ago)
@spiderfan I'm sorry, dude. But really? CL21 never uploaded pornography to this site. He just made a video talking about the subject in hand and censored the exampled image. Which means he never actually displayed it.
WACV (6 years ago)
@spiderfan I don't understand you. You never did digging to actually find out why people were blocked. You never once asked about my banning. But, you instead backstab the entire community. And you claim CL21 backstabbed Ali? How?
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WACV (6 years ago)
@iloveanime721 I believe so. He thinks the bans were justified. Even though I told him that mine wasn't. CL21's wasn't. RedExec's wasn't. Formidable's wasn't. Metro3ds's wasn't. Most of the other's weren't too. One of the current mods on here told me the NSFW video could have been censored more. And i can see that. I wish Ali would have just striked it. Spiderfan backstabbed the entire community and that really pissed me off.
mattwo (6 years ago)
@iloveanime721 Wasn't talking to you...
Channeleven (6 years ago)
Dude, you literally have no shame.
spiderfan (6 years ago)
@Channeleven You are correct.
BillyMays4Pres (6 years ago)
This video gave me cancer.
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spiderfan (6 years ago)
@BillyMays4Pres Says the guy who uploaded a video that was entirely calling me names. Hypocrisy anyone?
BillyMays4Pres (6 years ago)
@spiderfan I did my best to provide full proof that CL21 is a good man who did nothing wrong on VidLii that got himself banned. You on the other hand just kept crying about those mean trolls. Has it ever come to your mind that you might be the one that is trolling?
ATAndreiThomas (6 years ago)
Oh my god. Spiderfan you are so stupid, weak and pathetic, Serieously your acting the same way As Alisson, If you got the balls and the bear face nurve to make a rant on me like you did on Zippcast four years ago then you have no balls to admit on What you just said to the whole community that you have enraged was completely wrong, you need to open your eyes and Face reality, fix up, grow a pair and don't be a total dickhead, craftinglord21 and many others were your true friends that supported you and you're simply biting the Hand that feeds you, you're sunking way lower than i could possibly imagined and at this moment you are losing all the respect that people have gave you in the past and now look at yourself. You're a disgrace to the whole community, you're not high and mighty and your not always Right, so admit to the whole community that you're wrong to begin with and grow up. We are not trolls and bad guys. We are innocent content creators that got banned unfairly.
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Cor955 (6 years ago)
@MrATAndreiThomas Actually still though under DMCA it still falls under fair use and you cannot just strike it down because you don't like it being used. Say you made a game and someone made a negative review of it, you can't just claim copyright and strike it down because you disagree with the content of it.
ATAndreiThomas (6 years ago)
@Cor955 don't talk to me about fucking fair use, when you take my content without my say so i will take it down. End off. Now fuck off. MR. A.T. Out.
Okamle (6 years ago)
spider fan this is your so bad, you would been better off not making this to be honest, you say cl21 has to bring up evidence. he did you just skipped it to make him look bad. and the only evidence you brought up was a half ass repose from ali. filed with "not me's" you used to have critical thought and not be a drone, i wish you would take your blinders off and not follow a guy that can't mod a site, look at his past. he not going to change. the new site he making going to end the same.
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spiderfan (6 years ago)
@Okamle Says the guy who has no argument.
Okamle (6 years ago)
@spiderfan remember how i said literally every response is more brain dead then the last ? thanks for proving my point. i have argument's you just avoid them. i countered your points 3 or 4 times. you just avoiding my points like they don't exist like you do to everyone that not on ali side. or agree with something then contradict yourself. you avoiding my argument is getting boring. to be honest.
TamePepper (6 years ago)
I challenge you to not block people when they accept your challenge.
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spiderfan (6 years ago)
@Metro3ds2 Yeah I'll admit I thought I accidentally blocked him until I checked the blocked users section of discord and he wasn't there.
Slinkybenis (6 years ago)
@spiderfan so you went back in time to days before the vc chat in the vidlii discord (which i assume you had mal unblocked in) where you said word for word "i didnt mean to block ya", you went back in time to where you "accidentally blocked him" and checked that he wasnt on your blocklist? Ahh i understand now.
jhirzel88 (6 years ago)
At least you managed to provide enough proof that Alisson was helping Jan at first, but so many users were banned for the same exact reasons. It was simply the backlash towards Alisson's enforcement on free speech that caused Alisson to overreact! Yes, he overreacted, because he has NO common sense whatsoever! Even users that slightly criticized VidLii, Jan or Alisson were banned. What the hell, seriously!

Factor in all the users that were banned, most of the bans were unjustified. One of the last users he banned was Animacreep for being just a year under the minimum age of 13, yet he's a moderator on BitView. I'd say that should say if he's mature enough to be a moderator on BitView, he's mature enough to use this website. That's THE most controversial ban I've seen to date! Then there's UltimateStarWarrior who uploaded video game music. He striked him for a 2 and a half minute clip of a TV show to top it all off.
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jhirzel88 (6 years ago)
@iloveanime721 No, he is banned on BitView as well, so he won't ever be a mod on there.
jhirzel88 (6 years ago)
@iloveanime721 I need to clear some confusion. Alisson banned Animecreep here on VidLii and it is Animecreep that is a mod on BitView. Also, Alisson isn't mature enough for any website, because clearly he's acting more of a troll than ever before. (no offense to Spiderfan).
YouGetNothing (6 years ago)
>Calls someone out that I called out months ago for the lack of showing evidence
>Proceeds to not use evidence himself
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RussianShadowFan (6 years ago)
@spiderfan if just a static image and your voice is "more effort than most people on VidLii" then I must be a fucking Ahoy of VidLii
TheWalkieTalkies (6 years ago)
@spiderfan @spiderfan you fucking use a stolen picture (probably from Google Images), and just narrate over that shit. that's not hard at all lmao.

but hey, what do you expect from commentary channels? oh yeah, lazy content
Mal (6 years ago)
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Date: May 07, 2018 Views: 1,556 Ratings: 88
Time: Comments: 40 Favorites: 1