Emmahelper Channel
Emmahelper Joined: Oct 24, 2022 Last Sign In: 1 year ago Subscribers: 0 Channel Views: 4
Age: 40
It often happens that the professor does not like you. What should you do in this case?

Be proactive
This point connects the two previous ones: teachers like hardworking and interested students, because it is more pleasant to lecture in front of a lively audience than to try to teach an indifferent student who does not care or need the subject. A diligent and active group will always be a more pleasant audience. Don't keep quiet if the teacher asks: wrong answers and silly questions are still better than awkward silence.

Take note of the little things
Like any other person, a teacher has some idea of what is normal. Some are annoyed by tardiness, some are lenient about it. Some like it when a lecture turns into a noisy discussion, others like the ringing silence in the classroom. It is possible and necessary to find an approach to any person if one observes his reaction.

Paying attention to details is also useful in studies. Use books from supplementary reading lists and follow the requirements for formatting - these lists and instructions were compiled by the teacher so that you know where to take the information from and are able to properly format the material at once, without redoing it.

Be courteous
Apart from personal preferences in student behaviour, there are also the well-known rules of etiquette. They are necessary not only in real communication, but also in correspondence: being able to write clear and polite emails will come in handy after university, especially for those who will work remotely.

Immediately give your files clear, informative and decent names. Do not write anything compromising in documents and emails: there is a possibility of one awkward movement to send the teacher something he does not need to know.

What not to do?
Suck up. You run the risk of overdoing it and damaging your relationship with your classmates by making yourself look like someone who needs excellent grades at all costs.
Understate the progress of the group. Purposely making the classmates look bad and then standing out from them is not a good team strategy.
Lying. Even perfect students sometimes skip classes: in that case don't make excuses, an experienced teacher will distinguish fictitious reasons for skipping from real ones.
Country: United States
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