In Response to the Mondo099 Defenders...
fuck off please
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Mondo099 (5 years ago)
Lmao. there's nothing to joke about. even your voice is not good. subbots or viewbot is not using from vidlii by me. @STSDGL can downvote your video. this video sucks!. Now you just made a response to me. also people says "mondo cannot take criticism" criticism is bad. wtf?. i like that smiley/amflosh blocked me. also i lost my subscribers when people hates me. also. i made a video of talking about you. i am just says you just made a rant of me and your rant video sucks. i am not sure for give 1 star and dislike people comments from people videos. people does not to leave me alone. when you just making videos of me and people just stopped making more videos of me. soapier is an idiot. when people is unsubscribed to me who hates me. now when i made my "My Haters need to stop" video and most liked people comments. sutubo is a 2009 youtube site. do not broken me. also i unsubbed to you. my subscribers is going to hate my haters, also i dont like bully, trolls and haters,
@ohokjpg nope, you liar for saying when i disliked comments with alts?, but you stop making videos about animaster or mondo, mondo has have his subs and he got banned, do not broken you must stop, animaster has have his subs to hating haters, one STSDGL has his alts to sub to himself, your video sucks, because animaster is my friend.
@FIAT682 This is fucking stupid at this point. Its just on going "How dare u not like friend! bad grammar use for u!" and shitty wars between a fucking dumbass. who has alot of other dumbass friends. and people who have braincells. who think twice before starting something.
@EmperorScourge Mondos fanbase and little shits. STOP DISLIKING EVERY COMMENT THAT ISNT DEFENDING MONDO. YOUR MAKING YOURSELFS LOOK EVEN MORE STUPID. its fuckinng annoying my god XP
@EmperorScourge It also might be STSDGL and his shitty alt spamming. please. get a fucking life. and leave.
@Mondo099 no you did with a failsafe video with a quote saying (rate this one star) i fucking saw it you little cunt
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