My Gaming Finds On Ebay Part 1 Its Strictly X-Box

#MyGamingFindsOnEbay #GamingFinds #OriginalXBox
In this video of mine, I show y'all all of the Original X-Box games that I got on Ebay between late December of 2022 - Early January of 2023! This is a series that I will be doing in 2023 and in the future. This is my first video of 2023 and wanted to make it a gaming video since it's my first gaming video of 2023 as well! I show a total of 13 Original X-Box games that I have added to my gaming collection so far.
Some of these games that I got on Ebay are Original X-Box exclusive, some are more valuable than others, some less than others, but I am still very happy and thankful for all of these games that I show in my latest videos! So far Ebay has been pretty good to me and I'm very grateful and happy about that too. I even got some games that I had on PS2 many years ago now on the Original X-Box as well! I've been relieving some memories of those games too.
I hope y'all enjoy this video of mine. Enjoy! Keep On Gaming Everyone! :)
In this video of mine, I show y'all all of the Original X-Box games that I got on Ebay between late December of 2022 - Early January of 2023! This is a series that I will be doing in 2023 and in the future. This is my first video of 2023 and wanted to make it a gaming video since it's my first gaming video of 2023 as well! I show a total of 13 Original X-Box games that I have added to my gaming collection so far.
Some of these games that I got on Ebay are Original X-Box exclusive, some are more valuable than others, some less than others, but I am still very happy and thankful for all of these games that I show in my latest videos! So far Ebay has been pretty good to me and I'm very grateful and happy about that too. I even got some games that I had on PS2 many years ago now on the Original X-Box as well! I've been relieving some memories of those games too.
I hope y'all enjoy this video of mine. Enjoy! Keep On Gaming Everyone! :)

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@MikeMarioGamer777 Hey, how have you been? and oh cool. I love Halo, it's a great game, I own Halo in my collection! Thanks for the comment on my latest video. Glad you enjoyed it.


@goudgravel Thank you so much for stopping by to comment on my latest gaming video my good friend. It truly means a lot to me. I really appreciate it a lot. :) Glad you enjoyed my latest video of mine!! :) Keep on Gaming! :)


@TheVideoGamer64 I agree. I feel like the PS4 Battlefront was too short and there was no conquest mode.


Nice lot! I remember playing Pac-Man World 2 on the PlayStation 2 back then, (haven't beaten it unfortunately). Red Dead Revolver originally started as a sequel to Gun.Smoke in 2000, the game was in development hell resulting in miss both trade shows in 2002 & 2003, & cancelled in Aug 2003 due some staffs at Capcom involved in development leaving the company (Yoshiki Okamoto was involved in the project, he left Capcom in the Summer of 2003, he was the director for the game). Rockstar Games bought the rights to Red Dead Revolver from Capcom in Dec 2003 & finished up development, Red Dead Revolver was released on May 4, 2004. Ironically enough, Capcom (the company that cancelled the game, & sold the Red Dead IP to RStar) did published Red Dead Revolver in Japan for Rockstar Games, Capcom did also sold other Rockstar products in Japan, like Grand Theft Auto 3 for example.
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