Attempted Massacre livestreamed on Twitch with a GoPro camera
Known as of Newcastle Stabbing (but not really a stabbing, he was just walking around like a fucking gta npc) apparently he gave up because not too many people were watching his stream, checking it in the end to see if a lot of people would make sure to record his attack), ending up getting arrested with no kills ROFL. His final message was "While you faggots compare who can idolise the hardest, I will actually be doing my attack unlike you.
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NemesisTheFirst (2 months ago)
yeah (2 months ago)
The problem I have with these faggots attempting/performing these mass killing sprees is that none of them ever go after someone that's a much higher status than them, like a local corrupt politician or a member of the school board who heavily advocates CRT, or do something beneficial like killing a sick fuck who diddled a kid and got off with a slap on the wrist. Instead, they always set the bar low for themselves like shoot local pedestrians at a grocery store or shoot up a school full of kids. If you know you're going to end up dead by the time you're done, at least set the bar high and use your bloodlust for something that'll be a positive benefit for the rest of society. Sorry if this post comes off as glowieposting, but I'd thought I'd vent that out real quick.
If you're gonna do a knife massacre, might as well use a machete or small sword. Also, best to attack lone individuals one at a time. wait in the bathroom, or in somewhere, one good slash on the neck. wait for the next to come in and repeat.
Also, if you're gonna go out. might as well try to blend in, since you're gonna need to be more physical, so dont be so obvious.
I got more advise for anyone interested.
Also, if you're gonna go out. might as well try to blend in, since you're gonna need to be more physical, so dont be so obvious.
I got more advise for anyone interested.
The problem I have with these faggots attempting/performing these mass killing sprees is that none of them ever go after someone that's a much higher status than them, like a local corrupt politician or a member of the school board who heavily advocates CRT, or do something beneficial like killing a sick fuck who diddled a kid and got off with a slap on the wrist. Instead, they always set the bar low for themselves like shoot local pedestrians at a grocery store or shoot up a school full of kids. If you know you're going to end up dead by the time you're done, at least set the bar high and use your bloodlust for something that'll be a positive benefit for the rest of society. Sorry if this post comes off as glowieposting, but I'd thought I'd vent that out real quick.
@yeah much harder to go after them.
I would love to see more eliminations of nigs. Like young ones before they start breeding. But yeah it would be awesome if someone went after some big tech fuckers who are in charge of implementing censorship.
I would love to see more eliminations of nigs. Like young ones before they start breeding. But yeah it would be awesome if someone went after some big tech fuckers who are in charge of implementing censorship.
@FFMF balliet > philip manshaus, john earnest, hugo jackson and gavrilo princep (guy from this video) altogether
@FFMF man puts effort into writing a whole harry potter essay in his manifesto but not on the massacre 🤦♂️
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