Old YouTube
This was my culture
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gh0ul (2 years ago)
I maintain, if you were to cut the modern incarnation of youtube open with a knife it'd be hollow all the way through. The content is soulless because for something to have soul it has to have been made with sincerity by human hands, and enjoyed by other humans. There is no evidence that the content that amasses millions of views is viewed by real people - algorithms can be manipulated and bots can add untold hours of watch time to anything. The internet as most people know it is hollow, there aren't as many people there as everyone thinks there is. As long as this delusion persists they'll have their monopoly, that's a tough pill to swallow but it's true.
SonicGodz (2 years ago)
I maintain, if you were to cut the modern incarnation of youtube open with a knife it'd be hollow all the way through. The content is soulless because for something to have soul it has to have been made with sincerity by human hands, and enjoyed by other humans. There is no evidence that the content that amasses millions of views is viewed by real people - algorithms can be manipulated and bots can add untold hours of watch time to anything. The internet as most people know it is hollow, there aren't as many people there as everyone thinks there is. As long as this delusion persists they'll have their monopoly, that's a tough pill to swallow but it's true.
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