My Jesse James Pocket Knife Review

#jessejames #pocketknife #pocketknives
Hello everyone, in todays video, I am showing a knife from a series called Wild West Knives or Legends Of The West. I got one out of three pocket knives in the set so far as of September 23rd, 2022. I got the Jesse James knife. The other ones that I'll get in the set is Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday, which many of people have heard of them and Jesse James. They were the legends of the west, and they ARE the legends of the West!
I recommend this knife to anyone that is the legal age to have pocket knives, I really recommend this knife to any knife collector out there. I got this from a magazine called Swiss Colony. I recommend this product like I said. I love this knife so much that I had to make a video dedicated to the pocket knife!!
It's a beautiful pocket knife in my opinion and I recommend it. I hope you all enjoy this video of mine. Enjoy everyone and keep collecting!
Recorded On September 23rd, 2022.
Added On Here On September 25th, 2022
Hello everyone, in todays video, I am showing a knife from a series called Wild West Knives or Legends Of The West. I got one out of three pocket knives in the set so far as of September 23rd, 2022. I got the Jesse James knife. The other ones that I'll get in the set is Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday, which many of people have heard of them and Jesse James. They were the legends of the west, and they ARE the legends of the West!
I recommend this knife to anyone that is the legal age to have pocket knives, I really recommend this knife to any knife collector out there. I got this from a magazine called Swiss Colony. I recommend this product like I said. I love this knife so much that I had to make a video dedicated to the pocket knife!!
It's a beautiful pocket knife in my opinion and I recommend it. I hope you all enjoy this video of mine. Enjoy everyone and keep collecting!
Recorded On September 23rd, 2022.
Added On Here On September 25th, 2022

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@murphysmommy Thanks for the comment my friend and that's good and same here. Glad you enjoyed the video. :)
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Also, I will never play with knives. I will always handle knives extremely carefully!