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why blame GOD for everything when society is the ones responsible breeding toxicity?

don't blame Chrust for human suffering. judgement day will come and HE will say the nations who unrepenting bought this to themselves. they bought slavery to this world and play unity. their day is numbered. hellfire will destroy them along with their impostered freedom movement
More From: lemonboy1111
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derodero (1 month ago)
If god created everything and knows about everything that would happen. That would mean he would allow all of this bad stuff happening in the world. If god created you to be evil then you would be evil then. Not saying that people can change but in that period of time god knows what you would be like.
lemonboy1111 (4 weeks ago)
@derodero GOD is not the one responsible. Lucifer is. he started in heaven and was embarrassed after being thrown down. human suffering caused by his selfishness. and humanity after learning from Cain the first murderer and the building of kingdomships, man's greed became darker and darker. many nations suffered due to man's greed and punishment on other. even erasing history just to promote they are the good guys when they're the ones are actually the bad guys
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Date: Sep 02, 2024 Views: 46 Ratings: 1
Time: Comments: 2 Favorites: 0