Siracusa Police Team

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VidliiTrollPolice3D (1 year ago)
JucheSongun (5 years ago)
General Kim Jong Il invited me to attend the memorial service held to commemorate the third anniversary of President Kim Il Sung’s death and the celebrations held to mark the 50lh anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK.

General Kim Jong Il gave a grand banquet in our honor, and personally took measures so that we could stay in a comfortable condition.

We were told that General Kim Jong Il said that it was his duty to look after President Kim Il Sung’s comrades-in-arms and their children.

General Kim Jong Il’s affection for us is a great affection which is shown also to the peoples living in foreign countries.

During my visits to the DPRK, I also felt General Kim Jong Il’s affection for the Korean people.

I think a good politics makes the people strong and, if the people become strong, they will overcome all hardships.
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JucheSongun (5 years ago)
@OfficerRoyal The Thief shouts "Stop the Thief"
JucheSongun (5 years ago)

As I always say, cadres are the pivotal body of the Party and the leading officials in the revolution. The Party’s quality depends on cadres’ preparedness, and all its activities are ensured by their role. It is none other than cadres who manage and administer the state, economic and cultural organs. In the final analysis, cadres decide everything. Therefore, it can be said that
the destiny of the Party, the revolution and socialism depends on
how we train them and raise their role. In the whole course of
leading the revolution and construction the working-class party
must always pay close attention to properly training cadres and
encouraging them to play their role satisfactorily.
Ever since we started building a new society our Party defined
it as an important task to solve the problem of native cadres and
has put a great effort into this work. Immed
OfficerCagos (5 years ago)
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OfficerRoyal (5 years ago)
JucheSongun (5 years ago)
@OfficerRoyal General Kim Jong Il invited me to attend the memorial service held to commemorate the third anniversary of President Kim Il Sung’s death and the celebrations held to mark the 50lh anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK.

General Kim Jong Il gave a grand banquet in our honor, and personally took measures so that we could stay in a comfortable condition.

We were told that General Kim Jong Il said that it was his duty to look after President Kim Il Sung’s comrades-in-arms and their children.

General Kim Jong Il’s affection for us is a great affection which is shown also to the peoples living in foreign countries.

During my visits to the DPRK, I also felt General Kim Jong Il’s affection for the Korean people.

I think a good politics makes the people strong and, if the people become strong, they will overcome all hardships.
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Date: Jan 20, 2019 Views: 44 Ratings: 1
Time: Comments: 3 Favorites: 1