SpongeBob Edited - The Bully (REUPLOAD)
And now, we come to the last edit released under the EditsForWinners name, "The Bully". Originally written in 2015 and then revised shortly after "Fire Dogs 2" (more on that soon), it was meant to serve as the big comedic finale for EFW due to copyright issues and editing not exactly being for me. RasterOfMandomness and Rockorange helped out on this one and added some really good comedy to this one. Enjoy.
Edit 3: The Bully - originally written 2015, released July 13, 2018
Oh. Hi, folks. Wondering what's going on in this installment, huh? The destruction of your childhood returns in this final full-length edit (more info on that later), where Gary becomes the new cheerleader only to find out his boyfriend is now sleeping with his mother. Oh my heavens, what crazy antics are certain to ensue? Only one way to find out: watch the goddamn edit and see for yourselves.
Edit 3: The Bully - originally written 2015, released July 13, 2018
Oh. Hi, folks. Wondering what's going on in this installment, huh? The destruction of your childhood returns in this final full-length edit (more info on that later), where Gary becomes the new cheerleader only to find out his boyfriend is now sleeping with his mother. Oh my heavens, what crazy antics are certain to ensue? Only one way to find out: watch the goddamn edit and see for yourselves.

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brigaderforharu (6 years ago)
zone (5 years ago)
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