[DAYZ] The Horribly Failed Namalsk Athena Mission

We decide to go play a lil namalsk. This was on a server which was namalsk only no other mods or anything. This was ALSO right after the update that added gas zones into the game... The entire time playing namalsk we never encountered one, and just assumed there weren't any in namalsk...
well it just so happens that we were wrong as hell, thus ending our multi day cozy namalsk journey. we only ever ran into a few players on the server, but we did have a ton of insane zombie/wolf/bear battles that sadly i did not record (got combo bear+wolf attacked as we were running through the woods once)
Vanilla namalsk is a really great mod, its as true to dayz as possible without adding all sorts of goofy shitty weapons and stuff like that but with plenty of cheeki breeki, as expected considering the current guy in charge of dayz is the developer of namalsk (this is why dayz has been getting way better recently)
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ThrowawayAcc111 (1 year ago)
yo why the hell did you block me bruh
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ThrowawayAcc111 (1 year ago)
ShyStudios (1 year ago)
@ThrowawayAcc111 ive unblocked you but idk why you were blocked, maybe your acc got hacked and was spamming or something idk but i don't recognize ur name at all and i usually only block ppl if they post spam or are involved in some kind of autistic vidlii drama like VLTP or whatever
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Date: Feb 25, 2023 Views: 20 Ratings: 2
Time: Comments: 4 Favorites: 0