More Stuff That I Got & Games I Have Been Playing Episode 1

#SegaGameGear #MoreStuffThatIGot #GamesIHaveBeenPlaying
Hello everyone, in this video of mine, I show y'all some movies that I got on VHS Tape, Some music cassette tapes, a Trading card, some games, and a Sega Game Gear console that I got to add to my entire gaming collection! :)
Even though the Sega Game Gear does not work, I am still happy and thankful to get it. My friend is getting parts for me to fix it or get one of my friends to fix it for me. Hopefully either me or my friend can get it to work in the future, because I want to play the Sega Game Gear console!
This was originally recorded on my new computer and added on here the same day on November 9th, 2021. I truly hope y'all will enjoy this video of mine. If y'all did feel free to subscribe, comment / rate this video, and subscribe! Enjoy and KEEP ON GAMING! :)
Things I Got:
Sega Game Gear
2 Nintendo GameCube Games
4 Music Cassettes,
1 Game For The Sega Game Gear
4 VHS Tapes
(Forgot to show a GameCube Memory Card)
Hello everyone, in this video of mine, I show y'all some movies that I got on VHS Tape, Some music cassette tapes, a Trading card, some games, and a Sega Game Gear console that I got to add to my entire gaming collection! :)
Even though the Sega Game Gear does not work, I am still happy and thankful to get it. My friend is getting parts for me to fix it or get one of my friends to fix it for me. Hopefully either me or my friend can get it to work in the future, because I want to play the Sega Game Gear console!
This was originally recorded on my new computer and added on here the same day on November 9th, 2021. I truly hope y'all will enjoy this video of mine. If y'all did feel free to subscribe, comment / rate this video, and subscribe! Enjoy and KEEP ON GAMING! :)
Things I Got:
Sega Game Gear
2 Nintendo GameCube Games
4 Music Cassettes,
1 Game For The Sega Game Gear
4 VHS Tapes
(Forgot to show a GameCube Memory Card)

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xPainWarriorx (3 years ago)
ozzyguy100 (3 years ago)


awsome stuff:P DragonBall Z Budoukai was one of my fav Gamecube games when I first got my gamecube back in 2003 which is a fun One on One fighting game based on the DragonBall Z Anime/Manga, I also highly reccommend getting DragonBall Revenge of King Piccolo for the Nintendo Wii,which is a fun little Platformer/Beat'em up game esepcially if you like old school classic Beat'em ups like the Double Dragon series and Streets of Rage:P


Nice. Speaking of the Game Gear, I remember that there is a Dev kit for the Game Gear named the Wide Gear (not to be confused the Super Wide Gear accessory for the Game Gear, or the Wide Boy (Game Boy dev kit, which plugs into the Famicom's cartridge slot)) which can be hooked up to a TV, & from what I've seen it also has a cartridge slot for the Master System/Mark 3.


@xPainWarriorx Awesome! Thanks for commenting on my video on my TheVideoGamer64 channel . I appreciate it a lot. Glad you enjoyed my video! :)
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