What i don't like about Youtube
Hey guys RBrawller here and i'm talking about what i don't like on the current YouTube. Give your opinions down below thank you :D
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TheGamingGuru (7 years ago)
Oldcpv3 (7 years ago)
COntinue* Also not to mention,overall,Youtube has become nothing more but a shallow Populariety COntest these days where These popular faggots get away uploading content scott free with no problem while smaller channels like me who work so hard on my AMVs,Slideshows,Wallpapers and Video game Walkthroughs get copyright striked,trust me,Youtube screwed me over so many times with all that Copyright BS and this was the final straw when they suspended my account last year in october 2016.
I agree with what my friend CartoonKid2014 just said below,and not to mention that youtube is also infested with Drama Obsessed Trolls that take things like video games and Cartoons way too seriously and not to mention it's infested with dangerous Spambots who will impersonate you trying to ruin your reputation,trust me man,I had so many awful experiances on that trash Site years ago which is why I recently left that site for good last year.
Deviantart is just as bad as Modern youtube because it's infested with a bunch of self centered Jackass's in the Cartoon Reviewing community who are nothing more but asskissers of MeEnter and RebelTaxi and they don't give a damn about the smaller content cretors or true friendship and they'll ignore your comments and favor they're other popular friends instead. bottem line,both youtube and Deviantart have horrible communities which these jackass's don't give a damn about the smaller content creator's hard work.
Deviantart is just as bad as Modern youtube because it's infested with a bunch of self centered Jackass's in the Cartoon Reviewing community who are nothing more but asskissers of MeEnter and RebelTaxi and they don't give a damn about the smaller content cretors or true friendship and they'll ignore your comments and favor they're other popular friends instead. bottem line,both youtube and Deviantart have horrible communities which these jackass's don't give a damn about the smaller content creator's hard work.
I can't agree more, man. These days I only go on YouTube to watch old videos from my favorite old youtubers who no longer make content. That aside, the site is trash now and painful to look at. I'm also sick to death of overrated users like Mrenter, Rebeltaxi and their asskissing fanbases that jump you if you have one negative thing to say. Smaller content creators like me and my friends have no chance on GoogleTube these days
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