Avraham Stern Was Right
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Dec 03, 2023
If Ukraine independence means zigger annihilation, we’ll kill the ziggers now; and cleanse the hohols later! Fuck their mongol conflict, germanize them! That’s what Russia needs!!! Z!!! Ukraine isn’t real, Palestine isn’t real, Taiwan isn’t real, and Quebec is not fucking real lmfao! The “good kikes” can go back where they came from or get the gas! Cry about it in channel comments 😂👌
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@minders No anti-Zionists
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Channel Comments (128)
Velvour (1 week ago) @Noor show ur face faggot
IMAN1GGER (1 week ago) @Visio "An Afghan should look like [a brown sand nigga all the time,] otherwise he's subverting white nationalism just by existing in [Northern] Europe, a nigga wearing my culture is way less harmful than someone who is non-European and looks just like one, maybe even whiter, anyways we can't even tell if he is foreign just by looking at him unlike a nigga!"
IMAN1GGER (1 week ago) @Visio "I am crying, a non-European looks more European than me..." cracker moment
MartinLuther (1 week ago) @Visio Can't control their appearance, and that is most likely his mother's fault. Moreover, there isn't much information available about the culture and limited language resources, and then the Nuristani language group includes six languages—Kati, Kamviri, Prasuni, Waigali, Tregami, and Ashkun—each of which has several dialects. There is no written literary tradition associated with any of these languages.
Jones101 (1 week ago) ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ FUCK YOU
Velvour (1 week ago) @Visio Finally!!! Someone else says it!
Visio (1 week ago) @IMAN1GGER I'm not a nigger like you are, but if he blends in with the white people or looks more white than the natives around him, then I hate him even more. An Afghan should look like he's from Afghanistan and not Europe; he should also feel Afghan or at least know his fucking native tongue.
Visio (1 week ago) @Noor "Prague Nigger" you are correct that I am from Prague, but I'm not a nigger.
Visio (1 week ago) @MartinLuther Do prdele!
vidliisucksdick (1 week ago) anyone who censor is a control freak. a mean person
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