randomquentin's Channel
Recent Activity
randomquentin commented on a video (1 month ago)
Inventor of the term 'gay'
@termer it might have been invented by a homo sis, or a homo other. doesn't really matter because either way i hold the belief that they had not exit...
randomquentin commented on a video (1 month ago)
Anti Homophobia PSA
@pinkosushi appreciate it, thanks for subbing on there. Putting out another gay video today. I'm gonna take all these topics the right thinks people a...
randomquentin commented on a video (1 month ago)
Anti Homophobia PSA
@pinkosushi yea i mean i stand for free speech but there's not a lot of people that use this so it kinda just looks like a white supremacist website
randomquentin commented on a video (1 month ago)
Anti Homophobia PSA
@pinkosushi not used to a comment like this so I'm pretty sure you are being ironic
randomquentin commented on a video (3 months ago)
How to Clean Productively
@nobie137 I already have a HydoDick. It stays in Hyd mode, and I pretty much never get to see it because of the technologies.
Channel Comments (39)
OfficerGoatse (6 years ago) Thank You for inviiting me as Friend! And You have an Epic Channel!
APPle5auc31995 (6 years ago) Hello
APPle5auc31995 (6 years ago) Hi
4dojo (6 years ago) but that's way too many photos.
4dojo (6 years ago) I wanna take a photo every day for one day xD
VidLii (6 years ago) People voted to have this logo instead of the other one.
RayWilliamJohnson (6 years ago) wtf
drumloop (6 years ago) Can you react to this video, please:
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