Rishan Ali
RishanAli Joined: Oct 14, 2023 Last Sign In: 9 months ago Subscribers: 0 Channel Views: 7
Country: Canada
Occupation: Rishan
Schools: Squidward Community College
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RishanAli commented on a video (9 months ago)
ronnie mcnutt jr
wtf this is shuaiby, not ronnie mcnutt
RishanAli commented on a video (9 months ago)
do you like waffles
I like waffles
RishanAli commented on a video (9 months ago)
me when modern cinemassacre
@JoeBidenPenis you mean JonTron? (also, you're username is epic as fuck)
RishanAli commented on a video (9 months ago)
Disco Judaism
epic video
Channel Comments (1)
RishanAli (9 months ago)
fuck you bitch
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