TheKing0vHel Channel
TheKing0vHel Joined: May 25, 2024 Subscribers: 9 Video Views: 56 Channel Views: 317
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For Charlie Thomas Burch Jr! From: TheKing0vHel
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For Charlie Thomas Burch Jr!
For Charlie Thomas Burch Jr! 2 weeks ago
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A Deranged Degenerate's Rant
I'm not insulting or mocking the man who was being ranted about in this video. I don't agree with what the ranter said in this video. I'm only uploadi...
TheKing0vHel became friends with AaronP (1 week ago)
TheKing0vHel became friends with PedotaniaBurchness (1 week ago)
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RaxxHorse's tantrum
Just RaxxHorse Larson aka DOGangDarkHorse doing what he does best and throwing a temper tantrum like the spoiled brat he is.
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Channel Comments (19)
artemis1 (1 day ago)
SouthernBiker (2 days ago)
Heil my nigga! Let's hang some spooks!
iceninekillsfan69 (6 days ago)
@AaronP yeah, i don't believe that the girl Charles was stalking was his ex, it was most likely some random chick he sexually harassed. Most women aren't gonna date a 38 year old obese ugly man who gets taken care of by his mom, so he might be too much of a social reject moron to have an ex
AaronP (1 week ago)
That was ridiculous. What's he expecting from his brother? Most men move out in their 20's. Most men aren't cowards like Mookie. I certainly wouldn't take Mookie's words at face value. I wouldn't trust his words regarding whether that's his ex or someone he was stalking. I'm more trusting of facts and reasoning.
AaronP (1 week ago) Go to 3:31:50. Mookie has a brother who still babysits him. Mookie went after a girl who wasn't interested in him. His brother scooped him up like a parent or uncle would scoop up his son or nephew. It's really pitiful since Mookie's a 38 year old man.
PedotaniaBurchness (1 week ago)
Dafuq happen 2 ya udda akkount nikka???
TheKing0vHel (2 weeks ago)
@iceninekillsfan69 He's really mad over the fact that you're not underage, because that's what he's really into. He probably does have pictures and posters of you in that fart shed. Him and Sunny the pedo are pretty much Karens, so I wonder what excuse they'd have.
iceninekillsfan69 (2 weeks ago)
@TheKing0vHel yeah, dookie definitely has a crush on me. He's super obsessed with me, i'm all he thinks about. I'd be surprised if he doesn't have posters of me in his room at this point
TheKing0vHel (2 weeks ago)
@iceninekillsfan69 Thanks! I'm using a different device, and I don't remember my password. That fat pedo is obsessed with you. Dookie obviously has a crush on you, what else could it be? Pedobull went back into hiding after I threatened to make another video about him, I think he even closed his Twitter account. He's gonna cry again!
Unblockable (2 weeks ago)
@iceninekillsfan69 That's a very pathetic combination! To top that off, that 38-year-old is very hideous (more hideous than most 38-year-olds) and extremely out of shape. How does a 38-year-old in that situation have such a huge ego? It truly is a combination of so many pathetic and disgusting things, to emphasize how pathetic and disgusting that scumbag is.
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