Lucky Star is teh worst thing in teh world
iAmAgainstLuckyStar Joined: May 25, 2021 Last Sign In: 2 years ago Subscribers: 2 Video Views: 19 Channel Views: 8
Age: 113
lucky star at all is pure diarrhea. I can proof why

Proof 1: lucky star is very boring and character do LITERALY NOTHING.

Proof 2: fucky star characters have 17 year olds look and act like 3 year olds.

Proof 3: their jokes aren't funny at all

Proof 4: characters are annoying as hell

Proof 5: it is overrated

Proof 6: dumb fanbase full of pedos

Proof 7: it has one of the worst theme songs.

Proof 8: The drawing is extremely ugly

Proof 9: impossible to watch because it has no plot and it's boring

roof 10: dumb references thst was added for no reason

Proof 11: voices are dumb

Proof 12: i hate lucky channel because only good character in the show (Minoru) there gets abused

Country: Barbados
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