lemonboy1111 Channel
lemonboy1111 Joined: Jul 21, 2017 Subscribers: 340 Video Views: 13,087 Channel Views: 26,830
Age: 44
i change my username due to my love for GOD. anything you show as an example respesents who you are. that will not set you to make it to heaven and eternal life from GOD
Country: United States
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not is not the antichrist From: lemonboy1111
Views: 34
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lemonboy1111 commented on a video (3 days ago)
crowstrike, and how all of this con...
@derodero freedom is under attack more severely then ever before. molestation was a sign that revealed to me on how america is truly going down. the ...
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (4 days ago)
Alex Jones kills Mister Fauci
@kyanny1 i am. ellen g white, the protestant is the way to thwart satan and his agents. to expose such evil operating behind society and the hearts of...
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Full House (Original 80's/90's Sitc...
i miss full house tbh. social media changed a lot. i remember growing up, when i was a kid, it felt like all was free. i remember wanting to grow up j...
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Biden is just as worse as trump
very arrogant human being
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
the real enemies behind vidlii & bi...
let me make this clear here. the way how grown ups act, this will send America into the path of the antichrist movement
Channel Comments (3,536)
Sturmgeist189 (1 day ago)
your gods are nothing and exist only in your heads
lemonboy1111 (3 days ago)
molestation is actually creating a universe of free slavery. yet the nations can't tell the difference from what's right and wrong
lemonboy1111 (6 days ago)
@Sturmgeist189 i'm no longer afffliated with iloveanime. the fact that my pains is real. i gotten sick and tired of living a life without progress. plus reality is Christ wants nations to repent. i loveanime , with the username shows example of loving anime. materialism can lead the nations to eternal's youthful generation is confused just because out nation is so immoral in many ways
SillyLaird (1 week ago)
you can email me. doesnt mean i will respond. just dont send an attachment otherwise i wont click on it regardless of my email client.
Sturmgeist189 (1 week ago)
4dojo (1 week ago)
Hey man. What's up?
lolhuh0 (2 weeks ago)
do you even know how to think you like a kid who gossip too much
tell other what to do
tell saintfox to stop bullying me on fascinating i saw lmao
a man child indeed rofl
funny as shit..
Carlton156 (2 weeks ago)
this guy deserves everything i have literally the best person alive
lolhuh0 (2 weeks ago)
@whitelivesdontmatter lol owned.. name change.. jtal epic trolling.
4dojo (2 weeks ago)
Do you mean on vidlii or just in the whole world?
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