romeomancini1999's Channel
Recent Activity
romeomancini1999 Dave Morrison the Autistic Vietnamese nigger is too blind for thinking that I got suspended on MeWe when I didn't. This proves that he has poor eyesight. (2 weeks ago)
romeomancini1999 Dave Morrison the Autistic Vietnamese whore is worse than Windows Whistler the Italian logo brat. (3 weeks ago)
romeomancini1999 Just found out that YouTube terminated my channel for no reason few days ago. (7 months ago)
romeomancini1999 commented on a video (7 months ago)
YankieDude5000 did 9/11 on his birt...
@OfficerSonic I'm not even in the UTTP you blind ass dickhead/.
romeomancini1999 commented on a video (7 months ago)
Fatass Michael Stiffarm) did 9/11
@JudeBella Will you just STFU you Karen spammer?
Channel Comments (4)
romeomancini1999 (2 weeks ago) Dave Morrison the Autistic Vietnamese nigger is too blind for thinking that I got suspended on MeWe when I didn't.

This proves that he has poor eyesight.
romeomancini1999 (3 weeks ago) Dave Morrison the Autistic Vietnamese whore is worse than Windows Whistler the Italian logo brat.
romeomancini1999 (7 months ago) Motherfucker, my YouTube channel got terminated few days ago.

Fuck Neal Mohan the nigger.
romeomancini1999 (9 months ago) 23rd Member of the Ahmed Bashar Allies. Second member to create a VidLii account.
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