Just a user for lol and amuse others for fun xd sexy
trophyislove Joined: Dec 21, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 week ago Subscribers: 50 Channel Views: 375
Age: 20
Not admin. stop attacking me with insults
I have no power to ban anyone
Not even ban myself call close your account
due to fear or retardation from autism lmao
Country: Australia
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Channel Comments (30)
fuckmewhite7xxxlolxx (4 days ago)
@kyonyuu3 no pity for me not even a little heartless im no dude
you dumb.. gender disorder. i am a girl.
lolhuh0 (6 days ago)
the spammy trophy you know
@oyashima stfu autistic fucktard yawn.
whiteareracist (1 week ago)
@jtal @sirius @sayonarasammy ok negro you are dumb as shit lol owned
white are better
low iq.. go back to africa.. my pfp say it al. i am done with you black.
trophyislove (1 week ago)
@sirius i know your alt too
no one ask for your insult
stfu loser.
screwmeharder (1 week ago)
lemonboy1111 RE: hi Jul 13, 2024
lemonboy1111 lol what was ur username was?
To Subject Date
lemonboy1111 RE: RE: hi Jul 17, 2024
lemonboy1111 does it matter lmao you have amnesia i dont want to remember
this name is better suit me fine haha
goru (1 week ago)
racist is godly or good. remain pure..
bitviewsux (1 week ago)
jtal and your alt fail trolling get a life.
luna1 (1 week ago)
bitview user like thevideogamerreturns cazzy are babies. they dont like vidlii and play victim
shame on them. i have talk to tvg64 aka returns their so call hero there are no hero but butt hurt lol
no one did anything to punish those they see as trolling. as they are sensitive to criticism.
sailormoon (1 week ago)
spam me faster
fuckmewhite7xxxlolxx (2 weeks ago)
open mind..
free thinker..
not afraid of insult
not afraid of hater..
fear itself is a virus and a killer on all.
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