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Channel Comments (78)
derodero (1 day ago)
speedpak (1 day ago)
@derodero it is time to talk to lolwut and sillylaird about you who refuse to respect me it call free speech why do you get personal and rage so much?
chillspot1dotcom (1 day ago)
i dislike selfish human dont care dont matter like dirt. useless.
SuperAutisticlol (2 days ago)
My name is just for laugh
lolhuh0 (2 days ago)
Happiness is everything to me
not money
not materialism
it is a feeling of satisfaction
of being better than all
to brag and lol
fuckme (3 days ago)
@kyonyuu3 you ask me strange question which is my main page all of it
amazing right
why ask why.
i am special know what i am doing. not a lamer not a boring person.
lolhuh0 (4 days ago)
@tux can you quit stalking hide like rat and block many of my alt.. i can tell.
200k view so waht who cares brag. 10k page view. a pussy.
wonderful (5 days ago)
the vaxtard are too many
boring user.
lolhuh0 (6 days ago)
captcha are not broken can you help out Jul 20, 2024
derodero it a lie by other who are dumb enough to buy it when a user say it
only work for some such as fallconn who can signup i cant
both my ip and vpn ultrasurf is now ban from signup
it dont show captcha when i click signup it say
this.. you have too many account.. it sillylaird behind it who tip lolwut
this site suck compare to sf
8 comment per 16 min..
limit this that. i am sick of it..
fear of spam. jail like.
iloveyou0 (6 days ago)
@kyonyuu3 i am trophylover and trophy30144 in 2019
i forget pass..]
still serve it purpose a reminder i was here
who side are you on
are you racist or fucked.. race mix crap by jewry brainwashed..
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