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Channel Comments (41)

NickAdamsAlt (6 months ago)
G'day my fellow American, I am running fir President and I think you should install tampons in the Mens and Womans bathrooms in your fishing shop. Failure to do so will result in 10,000 dollar fines and a visit from DHS, I'll have them molest you and throw body in a lake.
Nick Adams, Alphamale, Avenger and ally of the trans community.
Nick Adams, Alphamale, Avenger and ally of the trans community.

Azumi (1 year ago)
Yeah sure.

ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
I'd much rather watch Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino than True Crapitalist Radio host by Yosemite Ham. 😃😃

LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Hey Aquaman! Instead of fucking fish how about you vote for Nikki Hayley. Shes supported by my favorite conservatives like Liz Cheney and John Kasich. IAM YOUR MASTER BOI!!!

ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
Awww!!! Butthurt much bitch? Well good! And you and your crapitalist buttbuddies are all NWO morons for supporting Ghost. He supports open borders and WW3. And I only got the vax because my work paid me money. But I am a libertarian. I'm against mandates. That's why I support Roe V Wade. Medical decisions should be between the patient and their doctor.

ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
You once again proved that you're a failed RINO that supports NWO. Admit, you have a hard on for Klaus Schwab and George Soros.

ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
I wouldn't be surprised if Ghost supports John Kasich. He's a sellout RINO. There's a better chance of seeing Ghost at Brony con than the RNC convention.

LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Oh sorry I thought you responded to me. And we are done with Ezra. He wants to go back to being a straight white male so he can commit more crimes. God this country is so fucking racist. But anyways, we support John Kasich as VP because his dad was a mail man. With Kasich in the house, your mail will be delivered on time.

LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
America needs John Kasich. He is the prince of light. IF JOHN KASICH WAS IN OFFICE 9/11 AND JAN 6 WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!!!

LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Nah! I want Liz Cheney as my president. Vladimir Putin will shit his pants when she's sworn in. Vlad isn't afraid of some fat fuck that eats at Krispy Kreme.
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