JakeRon Channel
JakeRon Joined: Mar 30, 2019 Last Sign In: 5 years ago Subscribers: 7 Channel Views: 80
Age: 22
Country: Canada
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future video: bitch lasagna From: Kitzure
Views: 80
Comments: 4
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future video: bitch lasagna
future video: bitch lasagna 5 years ago
Recent Activity
JakeRon commented on a video (5 years ago)
a fresh start! o.o
iloveanime721 wont be too happy about this, that's for sure! dislike...!
JakeRon commented on a video (5 years ago)
Kids vs. Parents
you explained this very well... good job! :)
JakeRon commented on a video (5 years ago)
introducing myself (first video)
I couldn't understand you, sorry! :P
JakeRon became friends with KratosTheGodOfWar (5 years ago)
JakeRon became friends with CAE8E693C8D869 (5 years ago)
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