animoreanime's Channel
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Sep 30, 2017
United States
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animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
Sonamy - Accidentally in Love
lol no no need to apologize. it's not too dark for me. i think it's accurate to me. and it's a beautiful slideshow. i love it :D
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
Sonamy - Accidentally in Love
awww this is too cute. i love this song. i wonder who sing this song?
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
google may many seem to be dumb on the part. though youtube seemed lame, google getting all the money, well....most of the money then youtube. remembe...
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
in a general sense, propbably yes. but in a spiritual sense, wars can take out anything. blackout system, even google and youtube aren't prone to be i...
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
haha. i'm myself. i couldn't stand the damned conservative system. people care more for the money. nothing close to care for the fans. google would ra...
Channel Comments (25)
ATAndreiThomas (6 years ago) And Why the FUCK should I CARE!! after a bunch of my old online friends turned on me no thanks the assholes like Mattwo, Redexec and Craftinglord21 who make rant videos on me this year. As you don't know, the people who turned down on me I know longer trust them myself now, I know nightfright since 2012 and he's been a down to earth well respected person, that does horror movie reviews, and since KnotSnappy who is one of my friends that turned on me, I no longer trust him either.
Pachirisi (6 years ago) pachi (i'm thinking about making a story based off of what happens in the my little pony movie)
6t76t (6 years ago) Thank you for saying that on my channel.
Yoshimasa (6 years ago) Yes, I was YoshimasaKazama on DA.
itsAme (6 years ago) yes i like one piece
itsAme (6 years ago) i heard you like anime
VidLii (6 years ago) It's awesome that you want to start over again and want to be nice to people.
But often people just need time to forget about past actions and I think you should give it to them.
Just be and talk with your friends who want to talk with you and forget about those who don't. I'm sure there are tons of people who want to be your friend, you just need to find them here.
Pachirisi (6 years ago) pachi (i put it in a message)
Pachirisi (6 years ago) pachi (can i show you my little pony and pokemon 2 and 3)
Pachirisi (6 years ago) pachi pachi
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