animoreanime's Channel
animoreanime has no videos available.
Channel Views:
Sep 30, 2017
United States
Recent Activity
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
Sonamy - Accidentally in Love
lol no no need to apologize. it's not too dark for me. i think it's accurate to me. and it's a beautiful slideshow. i love it :D
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
Sonamy - Accidentally in Love
awww this is too cute. i love this song. i wonder who sing this song?
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
google may many seem to be dumb on the part. though youtube seemed lame, google getting all the money, well....most of the money then youtube. remembe...
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
in a general sense, propbably yes. but in a spiritual sense, wars can take out anything. blackout system, even google and youtube aren't prone to be i...
animoreanime commented on a video (6 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
haha. i'm myself. i couldn't stand the damned conservative system. people care more for the money. nothing close to care for the fans. google would ra...
Channel Comments (25)
CrystalFairy (6 years ago) really preasure to meet u here again
welcome back. this place is the best after all.
AshGreninja665 (6 years ago) welcome back man
DocL (6 years ago) man, hope ya get better man! I've been in a creative block for a while so thats why my last video was garbage.
DocL (6 years ago) yeah, honestly i was just saying that chrono's channel was kinda hard to see and he blocks me calling me a "troll". If i offend your "safe space" then just leave the internet! anyways, enough about chrono, how've you been?
DocL (6 years ago) welcome back
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