samster5677 Channel
samster5677 Joined: Sep 23, 2023 Last Sign In: 4 months ago Subscribers: 15 Video Views: 2,764 Channel Views: 325
Age: 41
Country: United States
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samster5677 commented on a video (4 months ago)
samster5677 commented on a video (4 months ago)
samster5677 commented on a video (4 months ago)
American Dad! - Francine eats Klaus
@TheLulzBoat nigga you gay!
samster5677 commented on a video (4 months ago)
The Boondocks: Attack of the Killer...
@PsychopathicKiller77 nigga
samster5677 commented on a video (4 months ago)
YTP: Arthur's Big Rape
Arthur raping a nigga. OH FUCK NO I AIN'T WATCHIN THIS NIGGA!
Channel Comments (12)
SuperAutisticlol (1 month ago)
are you alright.
shinto (2 months ago)
windows7dabestonelol (2 months ago)
white777 (2 months ago)
@altrightgaming has block me what a coward!
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
Only 280 page view this is a shy person lol
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
I bet you are at a lot that site is for shy people and autistic aka .. not social. quiet keep to themselves. not out spoken.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
this is how some think if you have nothing nice to say dont say it. this teaching is from school that you have to be nice even if you are insulted.
which is bs to me and unfair.
i have been insulted way more then i insult other we live in a toxic world full of angry folks who cant be nice and expect special treatment.. i cringe.
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago)
I was traumatized by what others think it had an effect on others.
I try again it is quite funny.
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago)
I delete some video a few month ago out of emotional distress a mistake..
It had good view and comment.. I don't think I can do it again thought.
samster5677 (4 months ago)
Niggas, I'm quitting VidLii forever. Why,because i'll be in the bathroom for 6 months.
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