a digital manifestation of hell
seboka Joined: Mar 18, 2018 Last Sign In: 4 years ago Subscribers: 11 Video Views: 1,215 Channel Views: 256
Age: 21
only planning on using this for logan kart 8 speedruns but if youtube completely dies i'll probably migrate here
Country: United States
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seboka became friends with WilfredTheBoss (6 years ago)
seboka commented on a video (6 years ago)
seboka commented on a video (6 years ago)
Logan Kart 8 - Sea-Tac Circuit 150c...
inb4 sea-tac wilfred skip is discovered
seboka commented on a video (6 years ago)
seboka commented on a video (6 years ago)
Logan Kart 8 - I-5 loop - 18:16:10....
impressive in its own regard
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Channel Comments (1)
4dojo (6 years ago)
I've never heard of Logan Kart. Is that an app game?
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