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Channel Comments (643)
lolhuh0 (2 days ago)
Happiness is everything to me
not money
not materialism
it is a feeling of satisfaction
of being better than all
to brag and lol
lolhuh0 (3 days ago)
OO0 (4 days ago)
lolhuh0 (4 days ago)
i live for only 1 reason to see who live longer like a sport the winner live the longest. it not about who matter more or less. research long life. 150 years.
lolhuh0 (5 days ago)
there is no limit at sf or chillspot1
scenesfeed less strict yet most of you love it here like sex or orgies
in bondage to lolwut and his so call buddy sillylaird who keep an eye on all.
8 comment per 16 min to restrain us all from making many comment set by admin.
lolhuh0 (6 days ago)
captcha are not broken can you help out Jul 20, 2024
derodero it a lie by other who are dumb enough to buy it when a user say it
only work for some such as fallconn who can signup i cant
both my ip and vpn ultrasurf is now ban from signup
it dont show captcha when i click signup it say
this.. you have too many account.. it sillylaird behind it who tip lolwut
this site suck compare to sf
8 comment per 16 min..
limit this that. i am sick of it..
fear of spam. jail like.
white777 (1 week ago)
@kyonyuu3 tell slutgear or vert i love her
trophylovesyou (1 week ago)
captcha are there to stop some from sign up. it only work if you are not ip restricted by mod lolwut or sillylaird how i know when you click sign up and it broken it say you have too many account.
fuckmehard (1 week ago)
@jtal and your alt sayonarasammy quit censoring comment cheater it over okay!
luna1 (1 week ago)
bitview user like thevideogamerreturns cazzy are babies. they dont like vidlii and play victim
shame on them. i have talk to tvg64 aka returns their so call hero there are no hero but butt hurt lol
no one did anything to punish those they see as trolling. as they are sensitive to criticism.
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