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also do not join the war against me on VidLii.
also do not forget to 5 star.
thanks for watching.
if I did my last video of dot or my haters?. if I don't want to know views cunt. idk.
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Mondo099 (5 years ago)
Aminatsu98, because Smiley says "mondo cannot take criticism" and "you ara a troll, mondo." for this reason. also i told numa to kill himself, numa made a fake suicide. that prank. also i wont to tell to people to kill himself.

also i made my message to smiley on bitview

also i am not troll account like vtp and jeremyponnie1999.

BitView Username: Sunfire45

so if smiley tells me something I otherwise don't care about him.

also he unblocked me in 13 july.

so bye.
Mondo099 (5 years ago)
@Mondo099 also i am not getting mad with smiley when he blocked me. so bye.
Mondo099 (5 years ago)
Aminatsu98, because Smiley says "mondo cannot take criticism" and "you ara a troll, mondo." for this reason. also i told numa to kill himself, numa made a fake suicide. that prank. also i wont to tell to people to kill himself.

also i made my message to smiley on bitview

also i am not troll account like vtp and jeremyponnie1999.

BitView Username: Sunfire45

so if smiley tells me something I otherwise don't care about him.

also he unblocked me in 13 july.

so bye.
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Mondo099 (5 years ago)
@Mondo099 dot was a bastard that he is just an idiot. I blocked that bastard dot for making a bad videos about me. MyKirbyFanYou was annoying who he pinged to people, i was hacked his alts and i deleted his videos stolen who he copied my videos. also i wont to hack him. because i didnt hack him when he uploaded his video with his password without censored. i was using my alts and i says to a fake josh "i am going to kill you with my gun" with triangle guy account, i didnt have gun. i didnt say to him when i didnt kill people with my gun, but with pencil or my hand?. that's just to say when fake josh is spamming?. MKFY made a lots of accounts to subscribe to me. also i didnt like bully or trolls or racism, so i am so sorry for making a stupid annoying for me. also i wont never!

see you soon, aminatsu. bye.
Mondo099 (5 years ago)
@Mondo099 here, I never promised again.
Aminatsu98 (5 years ago)
Why did SmileyKing and MagentaHeart blocked you for no reason?
STSDGL (5 years ago)
@Aminatsu98 i dont know, it sounds wrong
Mondo099 (5 years ago)
sorry there is an error 00:28 but episode 4 not 5.
STSDGL (5 years ago)
@Mondo099 its ok
STSDGL (5 years ago)
i agree
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Date: Jul 28, 2019 Views: 118 Ratings: 7
Time: Comments: 4 Favorites: 2