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"13th" Documentary on Netflix

Watch "13th" Documentary on Netflix. You can also watch it on Youtube. The connection I made was base on the economic. With slavery USA had good economic because of the free labor and after the Civil War the economic decrease. They found a loophole in the system and they could make money out of prisonals. They have to do free labor as punishment for their crime. With this people started going to jail and prison for petty crime like weed. Now they are making 74 billion turnover from Prisons in USA. The stereotypes and all the movies pushing the idea that black race is the reason for most crime. With this there are more black in jail than white and have a higher chance of getting arrest when they didn't do anything wrong. The way the system is set up either they go to trial or they take the plea deal and with the 3 strikes out they are getting higher sencent than for smaller acts of crime. The core issue is that we are so focused on economics and money that we don't care about the people
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Date: Oct 26, 2023 Views: 12 Ratings: 0
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