Ice Age Deleted Scene - The Pack

Here's a good one to talk about. This scene right here introduces us to the pack. I feel the movie without this scene just made it feel less complete. We see Soto and Diego spying on the camp talking about the plan then we get the pack attack scene with 3 sabertooths, like "who are they?" I mean, there's only 3 others but they're actual characters not just generic nameless army builders.
Also, after Soto orders Diego to hunt down Roshan, Oscar then remarks "Can we trust you with that Diego?" As a nod to Soto saying Diego is the only one he trusts. The movie would just feel so much more complete with this scene. This is my favorite deleted scene of the movie and I confirm I'm bringing it into my fan edit. However I guess the reason it was ditched was because there's a lot of cheesy dialogue they managed to somehow fit all into one minute. "Walking buffet"? "Worthless kittens"? "Makes my teeth itch"? Wow lol but doesn't degrade the scene at all! It's the best deleted scene of Ice Age imo
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cirnowilliamjohnson (2 years ago)
gonna be honest i expected this level of quality in just something like this from at least 2004 or something but its probably because of the lack of fur since its not a finished scene
Shadane (2 years ago)
Isn't a group of smilodons called a streak and a young smilodon a cub? The original Ice Age, as fun as it was to watch, I started noticing had some dialogue errors. When I hear the word "pack", I think of a group of wolves rather than felines.
Nekron3043 (2 years ago)
@Shadane on the DVD this scene is called Saber Stake Out or something like that. To be honest I think pack makes enough sense since they're predatory animals. I tried looking up what a smilodon group is and couldn't find it.
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Date: Jul 18, 2020 Views: 993 Ratings: 1
Time: Comments: 2 Favorites: 2