HeXaGlider19 is a retard.

Jan 12, 2018
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Yep, he is. And here's why.
More From: SKiMER
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ZEd3K (6 years ago)
where did you get this facecam footage of hexaglider??
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SKiMER (6 years ago)
@ZEd3K @HeXaGlider19
1. @Kinteq told me that:
a) two people looked very similar
b) were talking about almost the same thing
c) the voice of the older guy is very similar to the voice from the "... Sucks" videos
d) Kinteq takes everything seriously, including Vidlii and this brony hate videos, unless in description/video there's an information about these videos being reuploads and satirically uploaded content.
So basically Kinteq is not a retard, but a normal person with feelings and honor. This is all HeXa's fault for uploading misleading content that also he doesn't own and almost creating the drama, which, according to the owner of Vidlii, will be bannable. So that's why
2. We've sent the e-mails to Jan about that. We also have screenshots of videos and comments and we've downloaded the videos to have the evidences.
ZEd3K (6 years ago)
@SKiMER Even though @HeXaGlider19's mentions of the videos being reuploads never came out until after the videos were uploaded, you still had the time to do your research before you posted this, since there were comments that stated that these were reuploads before you uploaded this. The OP of "BRONIES SHOULD DIE AND HERES WHY", said that the video was made for a joke petition that he started in 2013 called "Bronies: Die". The OP for "Bronies Are Not Badass, They Are Homosexual" deleted his YouTube channel, but the oldest reupload for his video dates back to 2012, so the "fact" that "@HeXaGlider19" managed to age from what looks like a twelve year old, to what looks like a 17 year old in one year is pretty odd if you ask me. Also, anyone could sound like the "kil all bronies!!!!" guy if they tried, but as stated already, the original upload was made as a joke. As for you and @Kinteq taking this seriously when you shouldn't have, I'd say that's just both of you guys' problems.
YouGetNothing (6 years ago)
This is a great video but please tell me you're joking.
SKiMER (6 years ago)
@Kinteq is not joking, so I'm not either, unless this is your statement about bronies.
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Date: Jan 12, 2018 Views: 132 Ratings: 7
Time: Comments: 2 Favorites: 0