HELL AWAKEN | Doom WAD (Trailer)

Hell Awaken: A Doom WAD by ThatSkynyrdKid70

Note that all footage seen in this trailer is taken from the first level, as that's all I've developed of the WAD so far. This will NOT be a Mega-WAD, and will just be a standard 8 or 9-level episode. More info will be posted on my website when I get the chance.
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thatskynyrdkid70 (5 years ago)
So, a few updates regarding this wad.

Most importantly, I have no clue when this is going to be done. I've been putting it off forever, and I really need to start working on this some more. I'm honestly kind of ashamed of how long I've been putting this off. Recently I've been focusing more on... well, not really anything. For anyone who isn't already aware, I'm currently on hiatus from making videos. I haven't uploaded a single video anywhere (unless you count little random one off videos on Vlare and Vanillo, and obviously my BitView guitar covers) since December. The point of this hiatus is I've been doing stuff like this for 6 years now, and really I need a break. Constantly having to upload videos all the time is ridiculously stressful. I'm not sure when I'm coming back from said hiatus, but hopefully by the time I do Hell Awaken will be finished and ready for release, but there's no telling. (1)
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thatskynyrdkid70 (5 years ago)
@thatskynyrdkid70 Now, finally, to talk about testing.

As I already mentioned, I've been looking for people to test. Currently I have two testers (both of which I doubt ever actually played it), and I am looking for more. If anyone is interested in becoming a tester, DM me on Discord - TSK#7143 (currently TSK | Rest in peace Etika#7143 as writing this, and here's my server link as you'll need to join to be able to DM me https://discord.gg/X5xZEVQ ) and ask about becoming a Hell Awaken tester. Give me some qualifications you may have, and I'll decide whether or not to trust you enough to let you be a tester. (5)
thatskynyrdkid70 (5 years ago)
@thatskynyrdkid70 If I approve you to become a Hell Awaken tester, you will receive a special role on my server as well as access to a special Hell Awaken discussion text channel. I will notify you whenever a new version is available to test, as well as a new corresponding download link each time.

If you are approved, so you know, I've tested the wad in, and it works in the following source ports: ZDoom (what I personally use), ZDoom DOS, Doom Legacy, PrBoom, Chocolate Doom. Any other ports have not been tested.

Anyway, that's pretty much all the news I have on Hell Awaken. So thanks for reading the thread. I can't wait to get this finished and released for you to play. (6, final)
funnyironicrobloxvid (5 years ago)
looks like it was made in a hex editor
Ikagura (6 years ago)
Looks like an old wad from the 90's
thatskynyrdkid70 (6 years ago)
@Ikagura That's (kind of, at least somewhat) the point. It's meant to have the look and feel of a classic doom wad, and immerse you to the point of feeling like you're playing vanilla doom, but at the same time it'll have it's own unique feel to it combined. Been putting off making it for a while, but soon I'm gonna be back to making it!
Ikagura (6 years ago)
@thatskynyrdkid70 Good! I cannot wait to play it.

I may do a let's play of it
Henryisonsteam (6 years ago)
Love Metallica
MadPikachuPlays64 (6 years ago)
hell yeah, some doom!
shiro (6 years ago)
DOS compatible? That's sick, nice job
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Ikagura (6 years ago)
@thatskynyrdkid70 I didn't even know there was a DOS version of Zdoom
thatskynyrdkid70 (6 years ago)
@Ikagura Oh, wow, didn't know you had a vidlii. lol
Not sure if you're aware but earlier today I replied to the comment you left on my YouTube upload of this. There's a lot more detail in that reply because of there being no character limit. I guess explaining what vidlii was in that comment was pointless then. lol
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Date: Mar 10, 2018 Views: 162 Ratings: 4
Time: Comments: 6 Favorites: 3