laaiti ekenstéen edit

Oct 14, 2023
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this is an edit of laaiti ekenstéen, a 16 year old swedish kid who entered his school and injured 2 people with a knife before being arrested. laaiti was friends with hugo jackson, perpetrator of the eslöv school attack.
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vraggoe (5 months ago)
Mass stabbings are strange. There's a reason why they're generally only seen in Asia and Scandinavia. In these places, it's harder to get a gun. This is either due to the country having strong gun control, which makes it hard to buy a gun, or they lack the gun culture of the U.S. that makes it easier for a minor to acquire a gun from someone they know. (like a parent) Those in these countries have no choice than to use a melee weapon like a knife.

Mass stabbings, given they only have 1 perpetrator, (Kunming stabbing in China had 8 perpetrators and they killed 31) generally have high victim rates but a very low death count. Look at Alex Hribal: the Franklin Regional High School Stabber. He used a knife and injured a whopping 24 people, yet he killed zero. Without proper training, the average person wielding a kitchen knife can't kill someone, and the average person can generally survive being stabbed if the blade doesn't hit an artery or important organ like lung, heart, or brain.
vraggoe (5 months ago)
@vraggoe It's also important to note that since most mass killers do not plan well and stupidly run around and try to get a ton of people, rather than blocking off exits and targeting tightly close-knit groups—and I can only assume this is due to them trying to play out some COD fantasy—mass stabbers aren't an exception. They, like Alex Hribal in my previous example, run around stabbing at people, not taking the time to understand where they are stabbing and what it means. This is what leads to the high victim/low death dichotomy in mass stabbings.

Of course, we can make fun of Ekensteen and Jackson for having a 2 injured/0 dead and 1 injured/0 dead casualty count, but that's not due to their attacks, it's because they willingly stopped their attacks. Ekensteen stabbed 2 people, disarmed himself, called the police, and waited for the police to arrive. Jackson stabbed a teacher before disarming himself and walking around the commons, also waiting for the police to arrive.
vraggoe (5 months ago)
@vraggoe If the two had not gave themselves up, then it's not unlikely Kristianstad and Eslov would be another Franklin Regional High situation. They would most likely have a high amount of people injured, but I doubt either of them would kill anyone. I would say 1 person dead max for both of them, and even that is highly unlikely.
Noor (5 months ago)
Both failed completely
Eldiperro (5 months ago)
Hey there!
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Date: Oct 14, 2023 Views: 120 Ratings: 1
Time: Comments: 5 Favorites: 1