Sandniggers getting bombed

Mar 22, 2024
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A genocide should be perpetrated against the arab population of the world - a genocide the likes of which the world has never seen before. The genocide should start with lone wolf attacks the shit-skinned cretins. Our prime targets will be any major cities with arabs residing in them. I call on all human beings to rise up and begin slaughtering arabs in the streets. You must have no sympathy for the filthy sandniggers. You must massacre arabs of all ages, whether that involves butchering newborns in arab hospitals or blowing up arab nursing homes. You must remember that there is absolutely no such thing as an innocent arab, as all arabs are a hivemind bent on the destruction of all that is good and righteous in the world. Never show an ounce of sympathy for any arab, just as you would not sympathize with a flea, a tick or any other parasite - the life of an arab has no more value than that of a louse or a tapeworm. Once violence against arabs goes viral, we can overthrow our traitorous
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fawx0999 (1 month ago)
Fuck off with your zionist propaganda. You cannot trick VidLii like you can trick the idiots who thinks everyone in Middle East rides camel like they learned from Hollywood

Come to think of it, I look at your channel and I believe you're just a scummy fed
Chud14 (1 month ago)
@fawx0999 shut up weeb faggot
minders (2 weeks ago)
@fawx0999 imagine calling every israeli video you find "propaganda" but when you see actual propaganda from palestine you call it real
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Date: Mar 22, 2024 Views: 60 Ratings: 0
Time: Comments: 3 Favorites: 0