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RaeStalgia Joined: Feb 20, 2020 Last Sign In: 1 month ago Subscribers: 6 Video Views: 688 Channel Views: 155
Age: 50
Hello,everybody. My name is Rae. On this channel you will find all sorts of wonderful things on here that have to do with nostalgia. Whether it is from the 70's,80's,and or 90's it will be on here.

There will be mashups on here(Copyright permitting.)as well as things pertaining to scary tv logos,so come with me into a time machine of fun.
Country: United States
Interests: Computer Art,making mashups,scary tv logos,and etc..
Music: 70's (Mostly Disco)80's,House,EDM,basically anything that is a mashup,and/or is a remix
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Rae Smashups No Description...
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Scary Tv Logos No Description...
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Recent Activity
RaeStalgia became friends with CJSL2018 (3 years ago)
RaeStalgia became friends with ark63L (4 years ago)
RaeStalgia became friends with TheVideoGamer64 (4 years ago)
RaeStalgia commented on a video (4 years ago)
PSA: Stop Uploading Music Videos To...
@thatskynyrdkid70 I have to kind of agree with you on this. No don't put any full length anything on here without crediting the original creator,and/o...
Channel Comments (10)
RaeStalgia (1 month ago)
I'm baack, but only for a little bit. I'm still dealing with work, and everyday life. Plus, I may be getting a part time job along with my current job, so yeah, I won't have to much time for this site. Sorry.
RaeStalgia (11 months ago)
Update As Of 2/17/24-Hello everybody. Long time,no see😁,but anywho. Yeah,I've been pretty busy with work, and concentrating more on Reddit than here, but since things have slowed down a little bit, I thought I might upload my latest mashups I made from scratch. If I have more free time, I'll post more on here, but if not, you can catch me on Reddit. I'm pretty regular on there. Anyways, that's the latest update on me.
RaeStalgia (1 year ago)
Update On Me And This Site As Of 10/31/23- Well Happy Halloween everybody! Long time no see. And speaking of Halloween, I have a brand new Halloween mashup coming up on here in a bit, but in the meantime... I've been too busy with my real life that I really haven't had much time to be on here. I'm working more now(4 days a week.), and my schedule has changed,but it's for the better, I think. I'm working days now, and no more weekends, so that's good for me, but anyways that's it.
TheVideoGamer64 (3 years ago)
Thank you, it's a fun console!! :)
TheVideoGamer64 (3 years ago)
Okay! :) I'm getting my PS5 in tomorrow. :)
TheVideoGamer64 (3 years ago)
Oh okay, I understand. I hope you don't delete your channel because it's a cool one! :)
TheVideoGamer64 (3 years ago)
Hey how are you?
murphysmommy (3 years ago)
TheVideoGamer64 (3 years ago)
Oh okay. I am glad that you are doing good. :) I just wanted to stop by your channel to see how you were. :)
TheVideoGamer64 (3 years ago)
Hey how are you?
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