Review/Rant on the fourth wall (teen titans go)

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4dojo (6 years ago)
Teen Titans Go usually isn't funny. It's kinda like throwing mud at a wall. Most of it falls off, but if you throw enough trash, eventually some of it sticks. That's why teen titans, despite being a mostly terrible show, is occasionally pretty funny. Even if it's extremely rare.
ZBangMusic (6 years ago)
I'm just gonna say, I don't know why people care much. Teen Titans Go is making the channel the most money; and it's been letting them sell the most crap. If the network wants to make the channel the Teen Titans Go Channel, it makes sense. You could say that this is bad for kids, because little kids would turn stupid if they kept watching Teen Titans Go for hours on end every day. But no kid would do that. With every activity, a child gets bored for a few hours then moves on to something else, then, eventually, goes back to what they did previously. I grew up on shitty cartoons, and after I was done watching Scaredy Squirrel or Johnny Test I'd draw something or run around the house or play something on the DS. You might say its a bad influence, there's stuff kid's don't understand, and yeah, it goes over their heads. But when they do something stupid that they see in the show they get in trouble at school and don't do it again. Yeah, its shit, but its not at all a pressing issue.
FightingSeraph (6 years ago)
The fact that they have talent just makes it all the more dreadful. However, I'm not a fan of Teen Titans 2003. There, I said it.
Sean (6 years ago)
Good Video
4dojo (6 years ago)
@jack81 no problem. Keep making vids ;D
4dojo (6 years ago)
Teen Titans Go usually isn't funny. It's kinda like throwing mud at a wall. Most of it falls off, but if you throw enough trash, eventually some of it sticks. That's why teen titans, despite being a mostly terrible show, is occasionally pretty funny. Even if it's extremely rare.
Jack81 (6 years ago)
Well I have never found teen titans go to be funny. I do respect your opinion though. Thanks for giving your opinion. I gave your comment a thumbs up. Appreciate it. thanks 4dojo
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Date: Oct 06, 2017 Views: 84 Ratings: 7
Time: Comments: 5 Favorites: 0