Making the PERFECT Cup of Coffee for the PERFECT Breakfast

The easiest way to make the best possible cup of coffee with no goofy coffee nerd equipment needed. You only need a little pot or "saucepan" as I think they are actually called.
When I make breakfast this is usually one of the things I like to make. It is quick and yummy!
There is nothing better than the sweetness and saltiness of a gourmet peanut butter and jelly sand with the perfect smoothness of this organic mushroom decaf stuff I use.
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subawuba (1 month ago)
it looks like poopy water 04:40
purplesage99 (1 month ago)
tora (1 month ago)
ground cofee is allegedly grose he use instent

i like your pessimistic attitude surrounding everything being bullshit because everything is bullshit and you don't fucking need *gizmos* for everything. inorganic emulsifier and oils are chemical gizmos, preservatives are widgets, and any hot tabletop cookware besides a pot, pan, spoon, spatula, teapot, and MAYBE a wok are all gadgets and you don't actually need them. everyone knows it too, at least subconsciously; try and find a real life person using any more than these items on the stove, it's not happening. you should definitely take some time out of your next few weeks to learn breadmaking and maybe start a garden (i have no idea if you live in a horrible apartment or something, but if your situation permits it you can practically get all the organic crap you want!)

also thank you for dropping the truth bomb about the electric stove, somehow burnerheads cannot comprehend taking the food halfway off like it's the moon landing.
nigr (1 month ago)
grou nd cofee is grose i use instent.The easiest way to make the best possible cup of coffee with no goofy coffee nerd equipment needed. You only need a little pot or "saucepan" as I think they are actually called.
nigr (1 month ago)
grou nd cofee is grose i use instent.
nigr (1 month ago)
ground cofee is grose i use instent.
nigr (1 month ago)
ground cofee is grose i use instent
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Date: Mar 02, 2024 Views: 53 Ratings: 1
Time: Comments: 7 Favorites: 0