ClipBrowser & The URL Manager Concept

ClipBrowser is a SUPER SIMPLE program I wrote that has lead me to come up with an entirely new user interface concept known as the URL Manager (patent pending all rights reserved :3 ). This is essentially a middle man which can perform different actions based on the input. Right now ClipBrowser ONLY performs the most basic possible action to its inputs (it copies the input to the clipboard) this should be the default fallback option for future url manager software.

I might write up a more detailed description of the URL Manager concept and put that on my site in the future.
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solidhyrax (4 months ago)
not going to lie. you have a unique behavior with browsers. the use case of your program is good, but it won't be life-changing for most people.
retrograde (2 months ago)
I have never found a man who shares my views of (and my pain with) technology more than this man. From the pitifully slow ADSL to the dead emails. Forced obsolescence is wonderful term for the bane of my existence and I'm going to use it from now on. Then the statement on modified legacy Windows being the future of computing (I am currently typing this post on a Windows XP machine) and even the supporting of Windows XP (hope you can make it work with kernelex as well). The only thing I don't endorse wholeheartedly is having a hundred tabs open, and thats just because seeing it bothers me like a crooked painting.

In short, excellent video. This channel is easily my favorite on the site.
ShyStudios (2 months ago)
@retrograde ty bro, currently have 860 tabs open on this browser haha!
SillyLaird (4 months ago)
do you plan on making this concept or program on windows? i can see this being useful. would love to use it for windows as well since that the main os i use.
ShyStudios (4 months ago)
solidhyrax (4 months ago)
not going to lie. you have a unique behavior with browsers. the use case of your program is good, but it won't be life-changing for most people.
marshmallowpeepzreup (4 months ago)
As one of these Loonix users (started few years ago) i would agree that a compiled of 'old' windows is the future and not linux. They linux is still and will still be a mess with the transition form x11 to wayland being a shitshow and some devs trying to copy apple is just foolish, as well most themes on linux being souless flat crap and the good ones being very rare to find. They are few good de/wm like e16 (I use),mate, windowmaker, and maybe xfce when you find good theme for it
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Date: Dec 21, 2023 Views: 71 Ratings: 4
Time: Comments: 6 Favorites: 1