My Rant GUN LAWS, Blame games, Drugs, Sickness in America

Feb 25, 2018
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We have a real problem here in America with mental health. You can outlaw guns the same as illicit drugs like heroine, cocaine, and methamphetamine which are huge problems costing the taxpayers billions of dollars each year. But it wont stop the use. Only a shift in our consciousness will. There is no one to blame but ourselves, each and every one of us who fosters a sick society.
More From: Kandace
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ZEd3K (6 years ago)
i remember i was playing a call of duty level where the player had to nuke all of earth while aborting 60 million babies simultainiously and i played it for five ssecionds before having to shut off the video game system its sick that these muder simulations from hacker terrorist companys are still legal #BANVIDEOGAMES #BANAM
chum7 (6 years ago)
...banning violent videogames won't stop school shootings...
RossoTX (7 months ago)
my father has an ar-15 so i will be the next shooter
FashionistaBanana101 (4 years ago)
Saying video games cause school shootings is like saying cutting fruits provokes knife violence.
guest (4 years ago)
america has a violent culture. bun guns, they'll use knives, trucks, bombs, acid etc.
ban knives, they'll use trucks, firecrackers, propane tanks, acid, etc.
they will ban everything like they did in the UK until you legally can't defend yourself and criminals are robbing, stealing and burglarizing freely and the police are so little that no one cares anymore because it'll just become the norm.
Sundree (4 years ago)
Hmm.. Maybe Jack Thompson was on to something...
VargVikernes (5 years ago)
Mental illness and bullying are what causes school shootings. One thing I can tell you is that I live in Kansas and we have not very strict gun laws and we haven't had a school shooting since the 1980s. It has to do with bullying and mental illness. Video games have nothing to do with school shootings. In fact, video games are helpful for kids. Especially ones with Autism which autism is a mental illness. By the way, I have three mental illnesses Aspergers, ADHD, and severe anxiety.
Palladini (6 years ago)
Kandace, You should get Video Camera. Voice overs to a picture just do not have the same effect as a video does.
spodermen (3 years ago)
@Palladini she is old, so idk
Leonartist (6 years ago)
One dya I want to own a fully auto m16. I don't care if I have to pay $10,000 for a special ATF licesne
Yellownakji (6 years ago)
Video Games? Really?

chum7 (6 years ago)
...banning violent videogames won't stop school shootings...
TedFromOuttaTown (6 years ago)
"Society's" not "Societie's"
TedFromOuttaTown (6 years ago)
Let me get this straight, you're attempting to blame violent video games for tragedies and... you're a gun control enthusiast to boot? Wow, It didn't work blaming Columbine on the game Doom and it won't work blaming America's newest shooting on the current video games. I can't believe you even brought it up. If anything, violent games are a release not something that inspires sick people to murder. What else would you like to ban? Fucking idiot.
BoredWithADHD (6 years ago)
When an angsty teen with mental problems is in a rage, they literally will not care about anything.
Often, they will have suicidal and homicidal thoughts while in a rage.
The bad thing is that a teens mind is fragile and their psyche can easily be broken.
When a teens psyche is broken, their emotions will keep growing along with their bad thoughts.
They are still being bullied after that and eventually they will snap.
Their thoughts will become actions and they will either commit suicide or homicide.
Video games aren't influencing them. Bullies are pushing them past their emotional limits.
Some of them are being abused by their parents AND bullied on a daily bases.
I'm not trying to justify their actions at all.
I'm only stating why they do what they do.
BoredWithADHD (6 years ago)
When a teen has mental problems, a small thing can become a big thing in their mind.
Kandace (6 years ago)
Excellent insight into this situation, thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on this horrible situation. Yes indeed, the bullying plays a large part. But, what is causing that ? We must get to the root of the problem of what so many in our society and unhappy and hateful, often destructive, ruining their lives with illegal and prescription drugs, suicide, OD-ing and so forth. WHY are Americans so unhappy to begin with that they must be this way ? And, you are right on the money about "when they are in a rage they literally will not care about anything", though it doesn't matter teen OR adult - hence the Las Vegas shootings by an older man. And again you are correct about "mental problems" being a catalyst - that's my whole point - why is there way too much mental illness in our country that creates all these problems such as drug abuse and shootings, and hatred? Sorry to say as a proud American, but this does not occur in any other country to this extent.
Kandace (6 years ago)
I had to cut 2 min off this vid because it was 17" long. What is now missing is that i DO advocate gun control, and our FL governor Rick Scott is refusing to address the issue while our senator Rubio wont budge on his policy, though he did host a town meeting and was slammed by the surviving Parkland students. But gun control alone will NOT erase the shootings any more than having heroine, crack, methamphetamine, etc being illegal has stopped the rampant use of drugs in America - resulting in billions of $ of taxpayers' $ for the re-habs, overdoses, deaths, incarcerations, hospital bills, etc. Nor does the political BS and fake news from Libs and the media help the situation by blaming everyone - other than themselves for the sickness in our country which is the REAL cause of this.
IannisHour (6 years ago)
Blame games...
WTF , get out of there with this retardness . Yesterday there was another who said the same and KeemStar roasted him . My reply to him got 102 likes from yesterday night
IannisHour (6 years ago)
EDIT !! 115 !
ZEd3K (6 years ago)
i remember i was playing a call of duty level where the player had to nuke all of earth while aborting 60 million babies simultainiously and i played it for five ssecionds before having to shut off the video game system its sick that these muder simulations from hacker terrorist companys are still legal #BANVIDEOGAMES #BANAM
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KnotSnappy (6 years ago)
@Kandace you fell for it .-.
termer (6 years ago)
kek, you fell for it
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Date: Feb 25, 2018 Views: 464 Ratings: 21
Time: Comments: 15 Favorites: 3