Super low flight.

Jul 16, 2023
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I explain why pilots fly in "tractor" mode.

The lower to the ground, the less time the operator of any ground-based air defense weapon has to bring you down.

Well, imagine that you are an operator of MANPADS or ZU-2-23 and heroically defend your strategic trench from hordes of enemies for the fifth day.

You will be very lucky if you have an intelligent boss and will set you an intelligent and specific combat mission. Say, those aircraft are expected from here then, be ready. Most likely you will be told something like: 'I order you to guard the air lines!'
And fuck, dear, as you wish. Where are your own, where are strangers, when, where, who - you will not know.
And the enemies will never tell you the place and time of the attack (as is usually done in exercises). And they don’t plan to hang over you for half an hour, like a torch on a parachute, at which you heroically shot all your life and received medals.
More From: Chromis
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Chromis (9 months ago)
And you're sitting for the fifth fucking day on a walkie-talkie, or a faithful cell phone, surveying the airspace at 360 degrees and hoping that someone will warn you.

At the same time, you understand that even if they warn you, it’s all the same - you need to see the target, identify it, understand that it’s someone else’s, and not your own, returning from work, prepare your expired "Wunderwaffe" for firing, estimate its speed and course, aim, capture the target and make a shot.
How much time do you have for all this, you can see in the video.
You can start exercising. )))
It was also the videographer who knew when, who and where would arrive.
You won't know.

But you will know perfectly well that he will have enough time to drop a couple of tons of ODABs on you.

Well, the video shows a good answer to the question of whether the aircraft needs camouflage, or is it a relic of the past.
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Date: Jul 16, 2023 Views: 23 Ratings: 1
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