The C Method - Communication Skills when working in CX call centres.

Christina Canters: So, Richard, can we take a step back? You mentioned earlier that when you say, when you're wanting to gauge someone, so when we bring it right back, you know, let's say like we're for someone who's in the workplace, they're working with a team, or maybe they're speaking to a, a high level manager, um, or a client, let's say yes.

What, why? Why are these techniques useful in terms of gauging? So what are we actually gauging with the other person and how does that then benefit us or benefit the relationship?

Richard Blank: Fantastic. Christina, you're really gaging positive or negative reinforcements, and since if it's someone you've known for a long time, you know if he gets you, but if it's someone you don't know and you can't see them, I don't know if you're nodding, taking notes or with me.

And so a lot of the times in the beginning, it's a very delicate area. To where you should listen twice and you speak. There's a very good time by asking open-ended question
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Date: Mar 19, 2024 Views: 3 Ratings: 0
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