Wii + Internet
(This was originally going to be a test for my capture card, but whatever.)
This is a video that shows what you can do when your Wii is connected to the internet.
This is a video that shows what you can do when your Wii is connected to the internet.

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fenmiu (7 years ago)


@anticipatingdnp heres the funny part.
that’s legit my video
after i posted the comment here i went on a hunt, failed and ended up discovering the way of getting the song by cropping parts that didn’t have speech over it and pieced the instrumental together.
it took a while to put together as i lost the flp to the song but then found it.
that’s legit my video
after i posted the comment here i went on a hunt, failed and ended up discovering the way of getting the song by cropping parts that didn’t have speech over it and pieced the instrumental together.
it took a while to put together as i lost the flp to the song but then found it.


@VenomGunner back when i done the shorter version i had also uploaded it to vidlii (this was before i finished it off)


@memer I already have that installed, I was just saying I used them while they were still officially up.


@FairPlay137 oh ok thats cool i dont have a working wii to homebrew :( im thinking to get another one from ebay


I bought a new but old stock wii with accessories really cheap for £12.99 or about $15.00 so I've been missing out on these features. I found some decent games from a store close by. Great console and you can run Netflix. Sorry to see the few remaining apps will close within the next 2 years. You can add home brew games through a mod that you install on a 32 GB memory card.


@GTXTroopa80Ti i’ve been apart of the homebrew community since 2011 with the PSP being my first hacked console


@tageneislover yes the wii + internet video was made by nintendo to promote the wiis online features they made one for the DSi too


@GTXTroopa80Ti I didn't use the YouTube Channel because my Wii broke by the time it came out. Definitely would have used it though


Too bad the channels do not work anymore because Nintendo discontinued them on the Nintendo Wii, (except the Wii Shop Channel, and the Internet Channel which still work today.) Same with the Nintendo WFC service for the Nintendo Wii as well, which also got discontinued as well, meaning that you cannot play online anymore on the Nintendo Wii, which sucks, to be honest... Great video anyways, by the way. :P
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