Gosamaru vs RaxxHorse The Revenge of RaxxHorse
RaxxHorse aka DOGangDarkHorse seeks revenge by contacting Antifa and kidnapping children and farting on Amanda. Can Gosamaru kill him again? Watch and find out today.
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Shizuka (9 months ago)
StarBomberRevice2021 (8 months ago)
@StolzerDeutscher I got busy irl. I guess I can make another pretty soon. But unlike ShartHorse, I actually do have a life. LOL.
DarkHorse × Mookie × @WhiteLivesDontMatter
Three lowlife nigger loser crybaby idoits who enjoy having a threesome while fighting da evil trolls and complain when their wittle feelings get hurt and spam caps wahhhh
Three lowlife nigger loser crybaby idoits who enjoy having a threesome while fighting da evil trolls and complain when their wittle feelings get hurt and spam caps wahhhh
@Shizuka damn that's disgusting that he raped his dog and fart on children like wtf who does that so not only he is an extreme zoophile but he has traces linked to pedophilia eww bro I recommend people to get off vidlii bcs there are gore and cp and animal abuse vidlii is a shithole
@DarthVader123 I'll admit, Vidlii isn't perfect at times, but I do think that they are trying to crack down on the cp and gore and animal abuse. But I'd rather use this site than most other sites.
@Yoshimasa I think you look good in tux. LOL
But yeah, RaxxHorse Larson sounds like a good name for him.
But yeah, RaxxHorse Larson sounds like a good name for him.
@Gosamaru Pedbull was always Chuck's personal autistic capo, and Chuck never made a single attempt to be friends with him. In that video Ped made when he was crying over an argument that him and Chuck had, he slipped up and said that Chuck only contacts him when he needs Ped to pollute the Internet with his shitty music videos and nothing else.
@yeah RaxxHorse really is as useless as Charles. And both are dirty degenerate pedophiles who stink up the Internet with their filth and faggotry. LOL.
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