StarBomberRevice2021 Channel
StarBomberRevice2021 Joined: Oct 02, 2021 Last Sign In: 16 hours ago Subscribers: 162 Video Views: 26,147 Channel Views: 6,586
Age: 41
This Channel is Mainly a Gaming Channel where I upload Gaming related content,But I also Love to Collect and upload Comics and Manga and I also love to Upload AMVs and other random videos like Sprite Animations,Custom Wallpapers and stuff like that.
Country: United States
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Hai Step Jun (80's Anime) No Description...
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Kung Fu Wa!/Kung Fu Sock No Description...
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Recent Activity
StarBomberRevice2021 You know what!? FUck it,FUck this god damn mother fucking pieece of shit Troll infested site full od fucking circle jerking Jackasses ans Shitheads,Fuck Craftinglord21,Fuck Alithezombie13,Fuck Spider-Fan,Fuck Everybody on this Toxic Piece of shit Site,I Should have abadoned this site along fucking ass time ago! (5 days ago)
StarBomberRevice2021 commented on a video (3 weeks ago)
StarBomberRevice2021 became friends with SakuraChan (2 months ago)
StarBomberRevice2021 became friends with Pibby (2 months ago)
StarBomberRevice2021 became friends with VanzianlandVidLii (3 months ago)
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Channel Comments (349)
lolhuh0 (3 days ago)
apathy is cancer on all i blame you and your kind!
lolhuh0 (5 days ago)
StarBomberRevice2021 (5 days ago)
all right! That Fucking Tears it,any more Random Mother Fuckers that come onto my channel one more fucking god damn time trying to start some shit with me,than I'm blocking every single one of you Random Fucking Shithead Trolls! And thats a Fucking god damn Promise!
lolhuh0 (1 week ago)
You are pissed.. remember i have right to an opinion whether you like it or not. quit trolling me this is your madness of gaming addiction apathy. rage more idc. you are boring only talk when upset. dont be hating. gossip?!
lolhuh0 (1 week ago)
African why cant you be nice why so angry and hostile. oayshima lie to fallconn that he is white bs he talk like a black person. fine. i am white.
StarBomberRevice2021 (1 week ago)
@fuckme - WHAT!???? Get the Fuck off my god damn channel,you sick disgusting Child Porn Obsessive Pedophile Creap! I don't need disgusting Fucking Faggot Porno obsessed weirdos on my Fucking platform giving me fucking Lectures,now BEAT IT!
fuckme (1 week ago)
low subbing
high subber
low friend
black are lazy as shit.
coward. despicable lot of video for view. get a hobby. no life a loser.
lolhuh0 (1 week ago)
severe autism
iluv (2 weeks ago)
be nice or pay
quit being selfish
your bad.
lemonboy1111 was right about you
liargeist189 (2 weeks ago)
do you wanna trade block let not do that it not friendly..
you let me know i unblock you later
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