BikerCapitalist Channel
BikerCapitalist Joined: Oct 21, 2022 Subscribers: 3 Channel Views: 1,184
Age: 59
Country: United States
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BikerCapitalist became friends with MarineCapitalist (8 months ago)
BikerCapitalist became friends with VeteranCapitalist (11 months ago)
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
@Kenji Nikki Haley isn't even black, you stupid tard, she's a fucking Indian! And not like Chief Slapaho Indian, Indian from India!
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
Of course a stupid anime watching piece of shit uploaded this shit! Seriously, what is it with you anime watching fruitbowls and white nationalism? ...
BikerCapitalist became friends with GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Channel Comments (209)
GamblingCapitalist (6 months ago)
Anyone who thinks one job is enough is a fucking lazy piece of shit! He's a tard living with your ex because he refuses to grow up! Trump betrays everyone, and these MAGA idiots think "Oh, Ghost betrayed Trump!" WHEN TRUMP BETRAYED EVERYONE! We're not RINOs, we're conservative republicans! Christie is the best candidate because everyone else running is a fucking idiot! Of course they can't, they're fucking tards!
SpringfieldPervert69 (6 months ago)
Oh yeah. Suck my cawk.
MusicGirlYuzu (6 months ago)
Do you ride a pink My Little Pony bike? I heard your leaders a brony.
Iloveyouallblessingx (6 months ago)
Makoto (6 months ago)
My husband is a cop fag. And so am I. LOL
GhostsPetWeasel (7 months ago)
I'm not lying dude. In my universe Christie is an scat obsessed pedophile. He always talked about wanting to eat Taylor Swift's poop. But luckily Batman locked him in prison and he died from shoving so many donuts down throat. But I want Arnold Schwarzenegger to run for president because he was governor of California and that state has 55 electoral votes. We can finally legalize masturbating in public.
GamblingCapitalist (7 months ago)
Exactly! That idiot doesn't want a 2nd job because he's a lazy ass autist! Trump has supported democrat shit, and these idiots still think he's republican! They've drank the Trump koolaid and it's very obvious! For sure he'll make us lose everything in 2024! Christie isn't perfect, but least he's the only adult in the room! Of course they're unoriginal! They're tards!
NavyAdmiralRanmaru (7 months ago)
NickAdamsAlt (7 months ago)
I bet you're not even a biker. I bet every time you go to the gym you lift the 5lbs dumbbells. But not me I can lift 500 pounds because I'm an Alpha male. When I go to the men's locker room all the ladies change their genders so they can see my beautiful alpha male 6 pack and my long beautiful alpha male penis that has been in your wife's ass.
GhostsPetWeasel (7 months ago)
Fun fact, on my earth Chris Christie has a scat fetish. No joke, on Twitbook and he posted a picture of Taylor Swift's poop. Oh and in my earth Facebook and Twitter merged to become TwitBook. But yeah, don't vote for that lardass. Vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger! He's the real conservative in the race.
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