BikerCapitalist Channel
BikerCapitalist Joined: Oct 21, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 1,351
Age: 60
Country: United States
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BikerCapitalist became friends with MarineCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist became friends with VeteranCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
@Kenji Nikki Haley isn't even black, you stupid tard, she's a fucking Indian! And not like Chief Slapaho Indian, Indian from India!
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
Of course a stupid anime watching piece of shit uploaded this shit! Seriously, what is it with you anime watching fruitbowls and white nationalism? ...
BikerCapitalist became friends with GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Channel Comments (224)
GamblingCapitalist (5 months ago)
The fact Trump still talks good about the covid jab is why I know we made the right decision to stop supporting him! They likely did get it, because they're damn assholes! Scott Presler looks like he popped out of the anal passage of Richard Simmons! I hate that fruitbowl! You're right, that's pretty fucking telling! They pretty much act like a cult, they defend Trump no matter what he fucking does! And they are Russian bot asshole pieces of shit!
ANTIFASlayer (5 months ago)
Ghost is a piece of schiff. I ain't listening to that RINO brony.
GamblingCapitalist (5 months ago)
Agreed, they are going to fucking lose! Trump STILL talks about the covid jab! THOSE IDIOTS MIGHT AS WELL GET IT BY NOW! I'll never forgive him either and those idiots are just 2008 democrats! If the republican party goes for Scott Presler, that's the end of the republican party! I find it funny those MAGA people hate gays, but worship Scott Presler! They'll never realize it, because they're cult dumbasses that think Trump can do no wrong!
Tokio (5 months ago)
NickAdamsAlt (5 months ago)
I'm not MAGA! I'm a two paths(John Kasich's slogan) Alpha male. And as an Alphamale.

I drive a Tesla
I drink 100 cans of budlight a day.
I masturbate to John Kasich.
I support trans rights and drag shows for kids.
And I always go to the San Diego Zoo and have a threesome with the Kangeroos. Thevother day I gave a male Kangeroo a hand job and he came in my mouth. It tasted like Buffalo Wild Wings.

That is the life of an Alphamale.
Nick Adams-Avenger
ANTIFASlayer (5 months ago)
Yeah, Ghost supported NWO donut eater Krispy Kreme and probably threw him under the bus because he didn't want to be labeled a fraud. I ain't trusting that NWO brony. And I'm voting for Trump. Biden is full of so much hate.
GamblingCapitalist (5 months ago)
I hate those assholes giving excuse after excuse! MAGA tards are going to lose, and everyone knows it! Trump does support that stupid covid jab, so those assholes should get it! I bet those idiots would check in an obvious leftist in the polls because they say they're voting republican! If that fruity bastard Scott Presler is GOP chair, I'm done with the republican party! He's just Dylan Mulvaney with long hair! But yes, MAGA IS A JOKE!
ANTIFASlayer (6 months ago)
Dude, if I saw you I'd beat your ass so hard that you'll be drinking white claw for the rest of your life. And don't you besmirch Don Bongino, you fucking Zionist. He served his country in uniform. You just jack off to True Crapitalist Radio all day. And fuck Ghost. He sold his soul to the Establishment/NWO.
GamblingCapitalist (6 months ago)
I agree, all these idiots blame the economy, but if they were smart, they'd be out of the house and making money! I do agree it's doomed and these MAGA tards will be eating crow! Only someone vaxxed and boosted would support Trump at this point! Lots of people are pro Trump because MAGA tards are gullible pieces of crap! I don't blame you for leaving the republican party, the GOP is a joke with all the MAGA tards and the freedom caucus!
ANTIFASlayer (6 months ago)
Hey Penny Pincher, I hear your type is good with math. Well guess what? Tucker has 12m followers and Dan Bongino has 5m followers. And lololol Ghost has a measly 1k. Who's losing influence in the Republican Party now? That's right! True Crapitalist Radio...soon to be owned by CNN. 😃
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