edray1416's Recent Epic Fail

EdrayTechTips made the beautiful Caillou intro parody used both in this video and in the video thumbnail:
edray1416 once again opens his mouth and spews out the dumbest shit I've seen on VidLii.
My back and forth with edray1416 in the comments:
edray1416 once again opens his mouth and spews out the dumbest shit I've seen on VidLii.
My back and forth with edray1416 in the comments:

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BoredWithADHD (6 years ago)
omnipotency (6 years ago)


Remember the old youtube streams from testtube back in Youtube from 2008-2010? They shut them down in 2010 as well as youtube groups. Today, they no longer exist at all, and despite our pleas they've never returned. Petition Vidlii to bring back streams and chat rooms! #bringbackstreams #youtubestreams
Remember the old youtube streams from testtube back in Youtube from 2008-2010? They shut them down in 2010 as well as youtube groups. Today, they no longer exist at all, and despite our pleas they've never returned. Petition Vidlii to bring back streams and chat rooms! #bringbackstreams #youtubestreams


@DarinaBoonsberg yeah but...alot of the people focus on the smallest views. america's becoming a lack of trust nation due to pedophilia. if things were to be at it's worse, then it is possible america will become a true communist country. ever heard of some people call christian "fundamentalist?" the papacy did call christianity "fundamentalist"


I suppose you are right on some of your conclusions, however Edray DID in fact provide enough evidence to support his findings. Most of the time, he was right on point! It is very rare to say otherwise. If Edray was ever wrong on something, he wouldn't have taken the time to explain about it in the first place. That's what I think! Don't take it personally!


@jhirzel88 I'm not gonna talk based on political system nor edray but I'm gonna talk from the heart. It's sad. There's people who support democrats and the republican. But people Susan Wojcicki or Ajit Pai or even Google in som ways take advantage over humanity and see nothing wrong with that. What's sad is that we live in a system where people take advantage over people all because of money. But sadly compared to the higher ups, we're still low class compared to them. In realty, we all are slaves. Because of environmental imprisonment that's been happening since the ancient times.


Lmao He banned me for criticizing his latest video. What kind of political channel censors comments? I wasn't even being rude. Just trying to get him to see why people didn't agree with the video. So I decided to upload a video exposing him as well. I wouldn't have even bothered to post the video had he have not tried to censor me. This was a great video. I'm subing to you. I wouldn't have wasted my time leaving any comments on his video had I of seen this video first. Obviously he's a hopeless moron.
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