edray1416's Recent Epic Fail

Jul 21, 2018
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EdrayTechTips made the beautiful Caillou intro parody used both in this video and in the video thumbnail:

edray1416 once again opens his mouth and spews out the dumbest shit I've seen on VidLii.

My back and forth with edray1416 in the comments:
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SuperAceGamerBrand (5 years ago)
Sorry for the last grammar issue, I just got out of bed since it's my day off. Anyways, in that video you mentioned that he hates blacks and minorities, which is the reason why he snapped back at me and called me autistic. He's the one to talk that his attitude is a love child of 03BGood and Lily Peet (if Lily Peet is a right wing conservative nutjob).
SuperAceGamerBrand (5 years ago)
I want to watch this video so many times for more views for you! XD
Aaronshy (5 years ago)
He oddly enough never showed hate towards me for being part Hispanic, having aspergers, and being pansexual. Seriously I have Mexican blood from my dads side of the family and brought up being part Hispanic and he never said anything to me mean making me think he probably was saying it without saying it straight to me.
FlatDesignTent777 (5 years ago)
@Aaronshy Well, you're one of the lucky ones for never getting hit with Edray's racist CUM-mmunism!
Aaronshy (5 years ago)
@me2lii Assuming he didn't talk behind my back. Honestly I'm not happy about his racism. He should know not to act like that.
DrFlame (5 years ago)
-The Meaning of life-
So what is it exactly? Well, In short terms,It's just to survive until our very doom , but we, as human beings make it so it makes much more sense to live. Of course, the way we see life and approach it can differ by many things such as 'Where does the person live, does he or she life in a free country, the way the person was raised, and etc. But then again that person can be killed for many reasons, like hatred, money, or insanity in general. So the best way to live, (at least in my opinion) is to survive, and if you can, learn many new things along the way, finding good friends, having a family and loving them, and, of course, being social and diplomatic.
Diplomacy is (at least most of the time) always better than aggression.
pie1994 (5 years ago)
@DrFlame the meaning of life is memes
DrFlame (5 years ago)
@pie1994 Memes are good.
Bob (5 years ago)
what's wrong with killing niggers
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XjangoHu2 (5 years ago)
@Bob IKR!
iloveanime721backup (5 years ago)
@Bob Not all racism is bad. Just as not all blacks is bad. But when you put a projectile on their hands, it usually makes a criminal dangerous. You don't have to have a gun to kill. It's the person's mindset that made bad decision. When it comes to killing, it usually shows no races, color or favored mannerism. Racism is a common thing taught by human culture based on competition and highly self centered. Or think they're better than one another.
Thisnameiswaytoolong (5 years ago)
Can this site go one week without a conflict Lmfao
randomquentin (5 years ago)
wow that fail was epic
MasterBluejacket (5 years ago)
Watch my videos
kyonyuu2 (5 years ago)
you didnt tear shit you fucking arrogant retard
GirlaPH (5 years ago)
You know what, I'm gonna post it because I'm not here to take sides but I'm just going to say it: Yes, Edray made a stupid video, but I haven't seen it so I dunno what the fuck is going on with that video until now. No offense dude, but you're adding a fuel to the fire. You're making things worse when you respond to the said video. Both of you really need to get a fucking grip. Just block them and move on, it's not hard.
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Awkale (5 years ago)
@GirlaPH read swegtas description of his channel ''RANT'' if you dont wanna hear it go to another channel or youtube..... oh wait its on youtube also
GirlaPH (5 years ago)
@Awkale I am aware of it's a rant. You don't have to give me more details about it.
DrFlame (5 years ago)
Lol, I had a beating talking about The meaning of Life with him. I tried my best, man.
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DrFlame (5 years ago)
@PrinceOfFALLEN RIP at least be cant censor anyone on YT.
KingOfKomedy (5 years ago)
@DrFlame Oh it just DEVASTATED me. I won't be able to sleep at night again because I was blocked by a pro cencorship racist on the internet.
;( Lol I'll just be making fun of him from time to time. It's not a wise idea to be running a political channel and censor people in the comments that hold a different prospective. It's how you get yourself a detractor army. I'll probably upload the videos to my YouTube channel as well. He can't do much about someone making videos exposing and/or mocking someone. Besides, it's the internet. If I really wanted to continue posting comments all I have to do is sign in to another account. He can't honestly expect to post such absurd comments and videos then expect people to just be ok with that and not criticise him. Unfortunately for him freedom of speech works both ways.
BoredWithADHD (5 years ago)
Technically I'm against the death penalty in general. I think human beings shouldn't take the lives of other human beings regardless of authority or ranking unless it is in self defense. Locking them up for life is good enough but the death penalty is just kicking someone when they're down. Revenge is wrong. I hate the term "an eye for an eye" because it seems rash. You may ask "what if you were raped or a family member was killed?" to which I would reply with "I would want that killer or rapist dead BUT that doesn't mean that they actually deserve to die" Emotions get in the way of logical thinking whether you want to believe it or not. Yes you can grieve but feeling good after killing someone REGARDLESS of how evil the victim is makes you just as evil. No one should feel good after killing someone even if that someone did something terrible to them.
BoredWithADHD (5 years ago)
@BoredWithMalice And to anyone who replies negatively, please try to refute my points without being one sided.
Thank you.
fuckarabswines (5 years ago)
@edray1416 make a response he is a fucki retard sjw
Mariameisser (5 years ago)
I consider myself racist and a nazi. i even found vidlii because of a edray video but when looking at him more I see what a moron he really is
EdrayTechTips (5 years ago)
Nice thumbnail.
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EdrayTechTips (5 years ago)
@EdrayTechTips RikardTechTips is inferior, yet another stupuid clone of my series.
RikardTechTips (5 years ago)
@EdrayTechTips SHUT UP NAZI!!!!
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Date: Jul 21, 2018 Views: 2,186 Ratings: 77
Time: Comments: 34 Favorites: 17